Page 7 - Kaleidoscope 1/2018
P. 7
Expectation Reality
Looking forward to sharpening The number of students is decreasing
my communication skills and instead. By 2020 we are going to
be the only group around. We will
socialising with large number be the super seniors and also the
of people e.g. 800 students. super juniors.
Zain Zain
A TESL course would be easy : Very challenging. Need to
no calculating, be tough to be an English
no experiments,
no physical activities. teacher.
Fahmeeda Fahmeeda
A rich and great experience Yes, I am living this great
experience and learning
of being a TESLian.
from it!
Umi Umi
More than improving language
proficiency. In addition, we
A TESL course is about learn how to manage pupils,
improving our language content and pedagogical
proficiency. knowledge – all the qualities
of a good teacher.