Page 10 - Kaleidoscope 1/2018
P. 10

PAST             PRESENT                 PAST             PRESENT                 PAST             PRESENT

       Biggest change? Myself!  Firstly,                        Too  many  changes  to  count!  One  big
       I have piled up many kilos. Rather                       change  is  this  –  before,  there  were
       shocking, actually. Secondly, I have                     many  who  longed  for  their  childhood
       gained lots of knowledge. I love the                     ambitions  of  being  doctors,  engineers,
       lecturers here, especially  my TESL                      etc.  But  today,  I  can  see  TEACHERS

       lecturers.    Take  it from  me.  I  have                around  me,  better  yet,  EDUCATORS.
       been to a local university and a                         This campus has certainly
       polytechnic  before  coming  here.                       achieved its objective
       The lecturers here are really one of                     of inspiring and
       a kind – very professional                               moulding us into                   SHERNOLD

       in carrying out their                                    teachers.

                                                                Before,  it  was  a  vibrant  atmosphere.

                                                                The  many  students  around  were  my

        Today,  lecturers  are  leaving  us                     friends  and  seniors.  Whenever  I  was
        one by one.  Before,  there were                        bored, I would just take a walk around
        many  activities  which  involved
        many students , for example,                            campus, and I would meet seniors and
        our        Language                                     friends to talk or share problems.
        Carnival.                                               Today,  only  a  few  are  left  and  there

                                          UMI                   are no juniors either.

                                                                Before,  there  were  more  cultural

                                                                events,  e.g.  Tamil  Society  Club.

                                                                These  events  were  avenue  for  us  to

         Biggest  change  -  the  drop  in                      learn and participate in cultural danc-
         the  number  of  lecturers  and                        es and songs.  Today,  the seniors have
         students. Also, less activities.                       left,  with  no  juniors  coming  in,  the
         Now, the ambience
         is dull.                                               events have trickled

                                     YAN YING                   tremendously

                                   NON-TESLIAN                                                      DEEVIYA

       PAST             PRESENT                 PAST             PRESENT                 PAST             PRESENT
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