Page 9 - Kaleidoscope 1/2018
P. 9

PAST             PRESENT                 PAST             PRESENT                 PAST             PRESENT

        Population of students and                                 Today I have developed interest in  my
        lecturers has dropped. In the                              course. My language proficiency has

        past, the hall would be filled to                          improved.  Not  as  shy  as  before.  More
                                                                   self- confident. More open to my own
        the brim. Now, so much space.
                                                                   mistakes and to opinions of others. Just
        Emptier.  Lonelier. I miss the
                                                                   realised  that  I  actually  like  kids  now –
        noisy campus of those days.
                                                                   an important  trait  of a primary school
                                           ZHI QIAN                teacher!                                HANA

         Now,  we  have  an  additional                              The drop in the number of

         weekly slot called                                          students. Lecturers being

         Kualiti Peribadi.                                           re-deployed.

                                             JOAN                                                    XUAN WEI

      Before, during my PPISMP days,                             Myself! I can now speak English more

      I had to make an effort to re-                             confidently. I have learned many life
      member the names of the many                               lessons. Learnt how to work and
                                                                 communicate with people better.
      lecturers. Today, some lecturers
                                                                 I  have also accepted the fact that
      are not here with us, a sad fact
                                                                 I am destined to be a teacher –
      that I must accept.                                        no more pining about my
                                          FAHMEEDA               previous ambition.                    FAZIRA

       PAST             PRESENT                 PAST             PRESENT                 PAST             PRESENT
   4   5   6   7   8   9   10   11   12   13   14