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Consumer safeguards

        A number of consumer safeguards have been established to
        protect reverse mortgage loan borrowers. These protections
        ensure lenders like us are doing their jobs right, and that
        you and your family have a thorough understanding of how
        a reverse mortgage loan works. The following consumer
        safeguards were instituted for your benefit:

                       CALL TODAY to speak with a   reverse mortgage professional.

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        No Pre-payment Penalty           Non-recourse Loan
        Although the loan is not due     HECMs are non-recourse
        and payable until the last       loans. Neither you nor your
        borrower or eligible non-        heirs will ever owe more
        borrowing spouse leaves the      than the loan balance or
        home or does not comply          the value of the property,
        with the loan terms, you may     whichever is less; and your
        choose to repay the loan at      heir is not obligated to use
        any time without incurring       assets other than the home
        additional costs.                to repay the debt.

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        HUD Fee Limitations              Financial Assessment

        HECM loan origination fees       HUD now requires a more
        are regulated by HUD. Other      thorough evaluation of
        reverse mortgage costs may       borrowers’ abilities to meet
        vary among creditors and         the financial obligations of
        loan types.                      their reverse mortgage loans.

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