Page 11 - Reverse_Mortgage_Loan_Retirement_Planner
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CALL TODAY to speak with a   reverse mortgage professional.

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        Non-borrowing Spouse             Counseling

        Loan amounts are available       HUD requires that all reverse
        to borrowers with a non-         mortgage applicants must
        borrowing spouse under the       undergo independent,
        age of 62. New rules also        third-party HUD-approved
        allow the eligible spouses of    counseling. This ensures
        borrowers who pass away          that borrowers understand
        to stay in the home without      the financial implications
        foreclosure, as long as the      associated with their
        surviving spouse continues       reverse mortgage, what
        to pay taxes, homeowner’s        their obligations are and
        insurance, home                  what other alternatives
        maintenance, and otherwise       may be available to them.
        comply with the loan terms.      We support third-party
                                         counseling so that you feel
                                         completely comfortable with
                                         the process and understand
                                         your options.

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