Page 3 - Mahindra Jump Start
P. 3


           SERVICE                                                   SALES

            Customer Loyalty Program                                 Your Store is Your Billboard
             In this module, learn how to move a service customer      This module shares some simple tips on how to
             to a customer who purchases their next product from       maximize the outside appearance of the
             your dealership.                                          dealership, without spending tons of money.
           The Check in Process                                      Showroom or Warehouse
             This  module  focuses  on  the  specific  steps  used  to   This module focuses on the  importance of
             check-in equipment in the proper way to improve the       showcasing and how  less equipment will add
             flow of work through the shop.                             important dollars to the dealer’s profit.
           The Triage Process                                        Listen and Learn
             This  module  covers  the  specific  steps  for  the  triage   This module walks through the 4 key questions to
             process and how it will expedite equipment repair.        ask every customer.
           The Service Coordinator                                   Let the Show Begin
             This module focuses on the importance of the Service      In this module, you will learn how to better involve
             Coordinators'  role  and  outlines  the  specific  duties   and engage the customer in the demonstration
             they perform daily.                                       process.
           The Service Process                                       Your Price is Too High
             This module focuses on the specific steps needed to        This module demonstrates simple steps on how to
             create a service process that drives quick turn times     overcome  basic objections  and move  customers
             and strong customer contact.                              into a buying position.
           Compensation Plan
             This module walks you through how to create a
             performance based compensation plan  for your
             service team.                                           MANAGEMENT

           PARTS                                                       This module focuses on the importance of having
                                                                       a plan for success and the benefit of having your
                                                                       employees involved in the process.
           Customer Experience                                       Expectations
             This module gives you specific ways to “WOW” your          This module shows the value of outlining
             customers at the parts counter.                           employee expectations and how to continually
           Transaction Time                                            reinforce those expectations.
             This module looks at simple ways to make it easy for    Finding and Hiring
             counter  staff  to  identify  and  find  parts  and  reduce   This module shares specific ideas on how to find
             transaction time.                                         those "hard to find" service and parts employees.
           Fill Rates                                                Measuring Performance
              In this module, we will walk through specific ways that   This module focuses on the benefits of measuring
             a parts department can improve their fill rate, without    and monitoring performance by department and
             adding more dollars to their inventory.                   employee.
           Upselling and Cross Selling                               Managing Customer Relationships
             This  module  focuses  on the  importance  of upselling   This  module  shows  how  to  move  a  difficult
             customers on parts they need to help them maintain        customer to one who is excited  about doing
             their equipment in the optimal condition.                 business with you.
           Special and Emergency Parts                               Employee Turn-Over
             This module walks through how to create a                 This module focuses on reducing employee
             well-defined process for handling special orders.          turn-over and creating  compensation plans for
           Parts Compensation                                          employees in supporting roles.
             This module outlines a specific bonus program for the
             parts department.
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