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Baladzadeh            :ارآ  هحفص            :ارآ  هحفص
                                         :هحفص رظانهحفص رظان
                                                                                                                                                                                                Baladzadeh            :ارآ  هحفص            :ارآ  هحفص
                                                                                                                                                                :هحفص رظانهحفص رظان
                                                                                                                                                                                                 12:20  :تعاس          03/16
                                                                          12:20  :تعاس          03/16
                                                                          15:15  :تعاس          10/20  :خيرات  :خيرات
                                                                                                                                                                                                                     صاخ 6 مرفاخ 6 مرف
                                                                                                                                                                                                 15:15  :تعاس          10/20  :خيرات  :خيرات
                                                                                              صاخ 6 مرفاخ 6 مرف
                      Sarzamin      : :تعاس                     :خيرات تعاس                     :خيرات   Baladzadeh  ص                                     : :تعاس                     :خيرات تعاس                     :خيرات   Baladzadeh  ص

                                                                                                                                   Fire eaters of Iran

                                                                                                                                   Salamanders are one of the unique
                                                                                                                                   amphibians which live in Iran

                                                                                                                                      hey’re named ‘Fire eaters’ too; a crea-
                                                                                                                                   Tture that survives if it goes in to the fire.
            The Horned Fighters                                                                                                    It’s been said that’s why it’s named ‘Saman-
                                                                                                                                   dar’ which is made up of two words ‘Saam’
                                                                                                                                   meaning  fire and ‘Andar’  meaning inside,
            Shutruk- Nahunte and Shilhak-Inshushinak, were a father and son who                                                    to convey the meaning  of fire inside  this
            destroyed the Beyn Al-Nahreinrule                                                                                      creature; whereas Molavi says; ‘become a
                                                                                                                                   salamander, become a salamander and  go
                                                                                                                                   easily into the fire’.
               ime: about 4000 years ago. Location: Shush.    The first dynasty to rise was ‘Kidinoo dynasty’ (1400-1500 Bc).      Although all the stories about the Salaman-  Waterfall of seven colours
            TIt’s  the second half  of  the  millennium before Christ and   After them the ‘Ige-Halki’ dynasty stepped into the Elam histo-  der are nothing but myths but we have to
            many kings and rulers are fighting over further thrones in the   ry and finally the great dynasty of ‘Shutruk’ in 1205 B.C come   admit that the Salamanders are one of the   A travel guide to Valeyla waterfall in Savadkoo
            south of Beyn Al-Nahrein.                         on the throne of Elam Empire; a dynasty in which the downfall        most  beautiful and interesting amphibians
            Assyria, Babylon, Akkad, Elam, each one of them call upon   of Kassis occurs  by one of the most important figures of Elam   in the world; amphibians  whose  ances-  avadkooh is known as one of the eye-catching regions of Mazandaran. Other
            their own gods and fight with each other, destroying the cities   history.                                             tors come from a group of ‘bone fish’. The   Sthan the forest and mountains, there are many waterfalls and springs with their
            and villages.                                     ‘ShutrukNahuntethe first’ and his son ‘ShihakInshushinakthe-         first fossil samples found from quadrupeds   own unique attractiveness. To reach to some of them, you pass through bushy Hyr-
            MianRoodanis filledwith fear and terror. But at the same time,   first’the two great kings of the Shutruk dynasty in the medial   (amphibians and reptiles) go back 360 mil-  canian forests, full of trees and for some others you have to walk among the valleys
            architecture and art is still progressing. As the ancient Elam   Elam era that begin vast wars with their horned soldiers.   lion  years; creatures which  although they   and through the mountains and succumb to its cool climate. Valeyla waterfall is
            era and the second history of Elamend (1500-1700 B.C), the   In this era lots of crowns fall from heads and numerous thrones   stepped onto the land from the water and   close to a village with the same name located in Savadkooh region.  This waterfall is
            medial Elam era begins; a period of kings who name them-  are set on fire in order for the Elam Empire to remain longer in   although  they adapted  successfully to the   not very high and the path which leads to the waterfall is so beautiful and untouched
            selves ‘kings of Anshan and Susa’.                the history of MianRoodan.                                           land they still kept their close to  the water.  that any traveller would be filled with excitement.
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