Page 9 - Thinking through Diversity with Art
P. 9

• Recognizes art has always been able to convey truth(s) or bring about awareness.
• Recognizes the use of arts is critical in achieving self/other knowledge.
• Values preverbal ways of knowing
• Includes multiple ways of knowing such as sensory, kinaesthetic,
and imaginary. (Gerber et al, 2012, p. 41 as cited in Leavy, 2015)
Radio drama scripts and recordings and comics are included in this teaching resource to move beyond a one-dimensional level of communication. The artwork symbolises a relationship and
a learning process that is co-constructed between the
artists, participants and the researcher. The artwork provided opportunities for solidarity with (East Asian) artists who can struggle to secure jobs. The artwork and teaching resource aim to promoting thinking and dialogues that raise consciousness about emotions and subjectivities, diversity and inclusion, and the need for change in ethnic diversity in health and physical cultures.
c) Increasing the Visibility of Chinese Language and Cultures in Anglo-phone Countries
At issue is also not just about a lack of understanding of ethnic diversity but language. The fabric of our subjectivities, thoughts and practices is woven by English language, French theorists, Euro- American cultures, just to name a few. This project demands those interested in diversity work to rethink their dominant language, the knowledge, concepts and onto-epistemology that this entails and the power relations that are reproduced in the knowledge production process. St. Pierre (1997) acknowledges that “escaping the mother tongue is not easy” (p. 178) and argued that those attempting to challenge themselves to think differently would agree that it is necessary to move beyond the comfort zones of their own language and culture. In response to these challenges and the need to think differently, this resource includes bilingual radio drama scripts and comics to assist learners to reimagine a monolingual teaching and learning environment that widens the knowledge base in health education and practices.

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