Page 11 - Thinking through Diversity with Art
P. 11

     Class Activity
(1) Listen/Read (15 mins):
• Have the whole class listen to the radio drama recording and/or read the comic.
(2) Perform/Produce (45 mins):
• Ask students to establish groups of 4 in which they will read aloud the radio drama script/ comic.
• Each student chooses a role to play: Charlie, Jay, Sunni, Lin.
• Create a mind map presentation and include questions and topics of interests that emerged from the reading of the story.
• Each group will have their own questions, thoughts and imagination when reading out the script/comic and there is no right or wrong
• Invite one group of students to perform the play to class/ each group deliver mind map presentation to class.
• Performances may be recorded and presentations may be published on social media.
• Group presentations on the mind maps may form part of an assessment.
(3) Group Discussion (30 mins):
• What is the context of this story?
• What are the hidden messages around ethnic diversity in this drama?
• How do different families define ‘success’?

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