P. 42


                     Migration  is  a  result  of  globalization.  It  provoke  that  many  people  displace  to  another
                     countries to find a better future. Migration affects home countries in some ways. It reduces
                     the workforce, demands foreign industries and destabilized families.

                       I.   Loss workforce
                               a)  Companies should close because loss many workers.
                               b)  Workers travel to other people to gain a better salary.
                       II.   Foreign industries
                               a)  Companies crate business to sell their products with a high place.
                      III.   Destabilized families
                            a)  Parents leave their children alone
                            b)  Some children grow up without rules.

                     STEP V: WRITE THE PRAGRAPH

                                          The Effects of Migration on Ecuador

                            Migration  is  a  result  of  globalization.  It  provoke  that  many  people
                     displace  to  another  countries  to  find  a  better  future.  Migration  affects  home
                     countries in some ways. It reduces the workforce, demands foreign industries
                     and destabilized families.

                           One effect of migration is to reduce the workforce. Many people leave
                     their  jobs  to  travel  to  another  country.  They  hope  to  gain  a  better  salary  to
                     give a good future to their families. For this reason, some business have had
                     to close. Companies try to hire workers but they do not have the knowledge.
                     They cannot made a good product.

                            Another effect is that foreign companies established their businesses
                     here. When Ecuadorians companies closed people have still been demanding
                     basic  products  such  as  oils,  soaps,  clothes,  etc.  Because  of  it,  companies
                     from countries like United States, Corea, Mexico and some others create their
                     businesses.  These  companies  sell  products  a  high  price.  It  has  reduce
                     Ecuadorians incomes.

                            The last effect of migration is that it destabilize families. When people
                     move to another city, especially parents, leave alone their children. Children
                     grow up alone or with other familiar like grandparents or uncles. This situation
                     affect  the  development  of  children.  Some  of  them  do  bad  things  like  buy

                           Migration has been affecting countries around the world. It provokes that
                     countries  cannot  develop  especially  developing  countries.  Because  of  it,
                     countries like Ecuador should encourage their own business to create wages
                     for people. Also, they could take good decisions in investments.

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