Page 146 - (FINAL!) UPDATED 13.0) 2020-2021 HANDBOOK - SEPTEMBER 2020 EDITION_Neat
P. 146
Sections 6. Cross Country Poll
A. The Poll Committee should be comprised of the Poll Coordinator, coach’s association President, and volunteer Regional Poll
B. Colleges must submit meet results electronically by Sunday, 12:00 midnight EST following each meet to their Region Poll
Representatives to be included in the bi-weekly releases and rankings.
C. The Poll Coordinator will submit bi-weekly meet results to Poll Committee members by Monday, 1:00pm EST. Committee members
will cast votes for the top 20 teams (20 points for 1 Place, 19 points for 2 place, 18 points for 3 place, etc.) to the Poll
Coordinator by Tuesday, 11:00am EST. The Poll Coordinator will compile the results and submit the top 20 rankings to the
designated website by Tuesday, 1:00pm EST.
D. Member colleges must submit times weekly to their Regional Poll Representatives to be eligible for national rankings.
Section 7. Squad Size
Participating teams are defined as and limited to a maximum of seven runners with a minimum of five runners in uniform. There should
be no delay of a contest to allow a competing institution to conform to this policy. Any violations shall automatically result in the
disqualification of the institution(s) in violation. No member institution may run athletes as individuals if they have also entered as a team.
Section 8. Finances
A. Each college shall pay its own team expenses.
B. There shall be a maximum entry fee of $200.00 per team, and a maximum entry fee of $30.00 per individual.
C. Entry fee must be paid at registration. Participation will not be allowed until entry fee is paid.
D. Schools that wish to register or withdraw after the meet deadline may be subject to a fee of $100.00 per team (per gender) and/or
an additional $30.00 per individual entry.
Section 9. Athletes shall not be permitted to participate in and receive USA Track & Field money if he/she has remaining eligibility at an
NJCAA institution.