Page 147 - (FINAL!) UPDATED 13.0) 2020-2021 HANDBOOK - SEPTEMBER 2020 EDITION_Neat
P. 147

        Section 1.   Meet/Championship Dates
                   The date of the NJCAA Cross Country Championship shall be the second Saturday in November.
                   November 7, 2020 at Stanley Park; Westfield, MA (TBD due to COVID-19)
                   November 13, 2021 at Georgia Military College, Milledgeville, Georgia
                   November 12, 2022 at Stanley Park, Westfield, Massachusetts
        Section 2.   Tournament Host Pre-Meet Responsibilities
                   The NJCAA Championship course must meet the course standards of the NCAA.  The NJCAA Cross Country Chairperson or his/her
                   designee will make a final inspection of the course one day prior to the NJCAA Cross Country Championship.  NCAA Cross Country
                   Rulebook and any exceptions must be cleared through the NJCAA Representative/Designee.
        Section 3.   Qualifications of Teams for Competition
                   A.   All teams will qualify by open invitation, provided they participated in their region championship.
                   B.   No contestants shall be permitted to enter an NJCAA Championship Cross Country Meet unless accompanied by:
                       1.   A coach or faculty member of the sending institution, or
                       2.   A designated supervisory coach or faculty member from an NJCAA member college.
                          a.   A designation of a supervisory person in (2) above must be in writing. It shall bear the seal of the college and the
                              signatures of the Athletic Director and President or Dean of the sending institution. It shall be sent by certified mail to the
                              Meet Director. All contestants must remain under the supervision of their coach or the designated supervisory person
                              throughout the meet and until departure from the site.
                   C.  Entries/Rosters
                       1.   Regions are to compete region competition 13 days prior to national tournament to allow enough time for meet entry and
                          host logistics. If the national meet is the first weekend in November, regional competitions are to be completed no less than 7
                          days prior to the national meet.
                       2.   All entries (up to 10 runners) must be made by each college by the second Tuesday before the national competition. All fees
                          paid one day prior to the national meet. Final declarations will be made when the competitors (no more than 7 per college)
                          report to the clerk of the course within 15 minutes of the published race time of the race.
        Section 4.   Meet/Championship Course
                   A.   The Men’s course for the NJCAA Cross Country Championship shall be 8,000 meters.  The Women’s course shall be 5,000 meters.
                       It should be planned with due consideration for the safety and welfare of the contestants. Any obstacles or hindrance (dangerous
                       ascents, descents, ditches, tight turns) detrimental to the competitors must be avoided. Concrete/hard surfaces must be covered
                       (mulch, rubber mats, etc.). The turf should be of a quality to promote safety and freedom from injury.
                   B.   The course shall be measured by approved surveyor’s methods. The course shall be measured along the shortest possible route
                       that a runner may take. It is recommended that the course be four meters wide. The first turn of a course shall be a minimum 200
                       meters from the start with a preferred distance of 400 meters. The last 100 meters of a course shall be straight and at least four
                       meters wide to the finish.
                   C.  The starting line will be drawn to allow each competitor to line up equal distance from the first turn. It is recommended that the
                       starting line be wide enough to provide a minimum 50-centimeter space for each four front-line team starters. Lane boxes will be
                       numbered left to right facing the running area.
                   D.  It is recommended that the start and finish lines be located in close proximity. The finish line will be at the mouth of the finishing
                       chute and be visibly marked (paint, flags). It is recommended that the finish chute be equal to three feet per entry. Chute may be in
                       as many sections as the meet manager and timer deems desirable.
                   E.   The course must be available for practice on Thursday and Friday prior to the meet on Saturday.
        Section 5.   Rules and Officials
                   A.   NCAA Cross Country rules shall be followed with whatever changes or modifications deemed necessary by the NJCAA Cross
                       Country Committee.
                   B.   The Meet Host will be responsible for securing the services of all necessary officials to satisfactorily conduct the meet as determined
                       by the NJCAA Cross Country Committee. These officials shall not be drawn from coaches who have teams participating in the meet.
                   C.  There shall be a minimum of 30 minutes between races.
                   D.  In the event of cold or inclement weather, meet participants may wear cold weather gear (i.e. running tights, team sweats, rain suits,
                       hats) with the approval of the Meet Director and the NJCAA Representative. If runners choose to wear cold weather gear, it must be
                       of like color and/or matching team colors.
                   E.   Headphones or similar audio devices may not be worn during the championship competition.
                   F.   Meet results shall be made public as soon as results can be tabulated and confirmed for accuracy. One hour after the last race
                       results have been posted, the results become official and final and no protest can be filed.
                   G.  Jury of Appeals: Members are the NJCAA Representative/Designee, the Championship Meet Director and a person appointed by
                       the other two members, not to be a coach in the meet.
                   H.  Tiebreaker for NJCAA regional or national championship is head-to-head competition of the top 5 runners.
                   I.   Men and women will alternate starting times/positions with women running first on even numbered years and men running first on
                       odd numbered years. National race schedule, even numbered years:

                                   2020 NJCAA DIII MEN’S AND WOMEN’S CROSS COUNTRY SCHEDULE
        TIME                                  EVENT
        9;40 AM                               National Anthem
        9:45 AM                               First call Division III Women
        10:00 AM                              Division III Women
        10:30 AM                              First call Division III Men
        11:00 AM                              Division III Men
        12:00 PM                              Awards

                   J.   Any team that participates in a NJCAA Regional Championship that runs four runners or less are only eligible for NJCAA individual
                       regional awards and are not eligible for NJCAA Regional team awards
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