Page 152 - (FINAL!) UPDATED 13.0) 2020-2021 HANDBOOK - SEPTEMBER 2020 EDITION_Neat
P. 152

        Section 1.   Tournament Dates (Competition Rounds) - Men (Division I)
                   A.   The NJCAA Division I Championship Golf Tournament shall conclude prior to the first full week of June.
                       May 11-14, 2021 at The Rawls Course; Lubbock, TX
                       May 10-13, 2022 at Odessa Golf Club; Odessa, TX
                       May 16-19, 2023 at TBD
                   B.   All District qualifying will be completed by May 1.
                   C.   It is the responsibility of the District Directors to send entries to the NJCAA National Office by email and the NJCAA
                       Tournament Director by email, express mail, or certified mail (return receipt requested), no later than May 1.
                   D.   The NJCAA Tournament Director shall send entry blanks to the District Directors and general information on the tournament to
                       all NJCAA golf colleges by April 1.
                   Tournament Dates (Competition Rounds) - Men (Division II)
                   A.   The NJCAA Division II Championship Golf Tournament shall conclude prior to the first full week of June.
                       May 18-21, 2021 at Swan Lake Resort; Plymouth, IN
                       May 17-20, 2022 at Twin Hills Country Club; Joplin, Mo.
                       May 16-19, 2023 at TBD
                   B.   All District qualifying must be completed by Wednesday of the second full week in May.
                       It is the responsibility of the District Directors to send entries to the NJCAA National Office by email and the NJCAA
                       Tournament Director by email, express mail or certified mail (return receipt requested), no later than one week prior to the start
                       of the National Tournament.
                   C.  The NJCAA Tournament Director shall send entry blanks to the Regional Directors and general information on the tournament to all
                       NJCAA golf colleges by April 1.
                   Tournament Dates (Competition Rounds) - Men (Division III)
                   A.   The NJCAA Division III Championship Golf Tournament shall conclude prior to the second full week of June.
                       June 7-11, 2021 at Chautauqua Golf Course; Chautauqua, NY
                       June 7-10, 2022 at Chautauqua Golf Course; Chautauqua, NY
                       June 6-9, 2023 at TBD
                       Note: Sunday prior to tournament may be used as an optional practice round.
                   B.   All regional qualifying must be completed by the conclusion of the third full week in May.
                       It is the responsibility of the District Directors to send entries to the NJCAA National Office by email and the NJCAA
                       Tournament Director by email, express mail or certified mail (return receipt requested), no later than one week prior to the start
                       of the National Tournament.
                   C.  The NJCAA Tournament Director shall send entry blanks to the Regional Directors and general information on the tournament to all
                       NJCAA golf colleges by April 1.
                   Tournament Dates (Competition Rounds) - Women
                   A.   The Women's National Championship Golf Tournament shall be held:
                       May 10-13, 2021 at LPGA International; Daytona Beach, FL
                       May 9-12, 2022 at Plantation Bay Golf and Country Club; Ormond Beach, FL
                       May 8-11, 2023 at Buffalo Dunes Golf Course; Finney County, KS
                       All entries must be received by the Tournament Director 10 days prior to the tournament.
                   B.   It is the responsibility of the District Directors to send entries to the NJCAA National Office by email and the NJCAA Tournament
                       Director by email, express mail or certified mail (return receipt requested), no later than May 3.
                   C.  The NJCAA Tournament Director shall send entry blanks to the Regional Directors and general information on the tournament to all
                       NJCAA golf colleges by April 1.
        Section 2.   Tournament Host Pre-Tournament Responsibilities - Men (Division I, II, III) & Women
                   A.   The Director of the Tournament shall send entry blanks to those colleges that have filed eligibility with the National Office and shall
                       notify these teams of the time schedules and program details pertinent to the tournament. The Director of the Tournament shall also
                       advise colleges entering that they should file a Certificate of Responsibility listing the person responsible for the team while at the
                       tournament. Students may not assume this responsibility.
                   B.   No contestant shall be permitted to enter the NJCAA Championship Golf Tournament unless accompanied by:
                       1.   A coach or faculty member of the sending institution or
                       2.   A designated supervisor, coach or faculty member from an NJCAA member college.
                           i.   Designation of a supervisory person in (2) above must be in writing. Written notification shall bear the seal of the  college
                              and the signature of the Athletic Director and the President or Dean of the sending institution. Notification shall be sent by
                              certified mail to the Tournament Director. All contestants must remain under the supervision of their coach or designated
                              supervisor throughout the tournament and until departure from the site.
        Section 3.   Qualification of Teams and Individuals for Competition - Men (Division I, II, III) & Women
                   A.   During postseason play through the National Championship stroke play or match play, a team may substitute a sixth player for any
                      member of the team, provided that:
                      1.   The NJCAA Golf Tournament Director and/or the NJCAA Representative is notified of the substitution at least 10 minutes prior to
                          that team member’s starting time.
                      2.   The sixth player is an eligible member of the institution’s team.
                          Note: When a team has substituted a sixth player, the substitution becomes final 10 minutes prior to that team member’s starting
                          time and no further changes may be made by the team for that round. However, prior to the 10-minute mark, the team may
                          withdraw the substitution by notifying the NJCAA Golf Tournament Director and/or the NJCAA Representative and may substitute
                          for another player as provided above. The team member that was substituted for becomes the sixth player and the team is limited
                          to that player, if the team wishes to substitute a player prior to any subsequent Championship round. In the women’s event, if a
                          player is entered as an individual, once they have begun play, they cannot be used as the sixth player for the team standings in
                          subsequent rounds.
                   Qualification of Teams and Individuals for Competition - Men (Division I)
                   A.   NJCAA will be divided into four Districts
                   B.   Each District will qualify half of the number of teams filing eligibility for the spring semester, plus any of the top 10 individuals whose
                       team does not qualify. Odd number of teams will round up.
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