Page 233 - (FINAL!) UPDATED 13.0) 2020-2021 HANDBOOK - SEPTEMBER 2020 EDITION_Neat
P. 233
Student-Athlete R was eligible for participation up until the time she was dropped from her classes for lack of payment. Once she re-
enrolls in her courses on the 22 nd calendar day of the term she has not regained her eligibility as her status as a full-time or part-time student
was determined on the 18 th calendar day of the term when she was not enrolled as a full-time nor part-time student. The 18 th calendar day is
the key in this situation. The NJCAA does not charge a student with a full-time term of attendance if they completely withdraw within the first
18 calendar days of the term (not to end on a weekend or Federal Holiday). Based on this allowance, the NJCAA cannot recognize any
enrollment status that takes place prior to the 18 th calendar day of the term.
Case 3
Enrollment by 18 th Calendar Day of Term but Arrives on Campus after 18 th Day
The fall term at Community College A begins on September 5 . Student-Athlete R has enrolled in 12 credit hours on September 10 th but
is unable to get into the United States and begin attending class until September 25 . Is Student-Athlete R eligible to participate in athletics
during the fall term?
Yes. Article V, Section 2.C.1 requires a student-athlete to be enrolled in full-time status by the 18 th calendar day (not to end on a
weekend or Federal Holiday) of the term in which the student-athlete chooses to participate. Even though Student-Athlete R is not physically
on campus by the 18 th calendar day of the fall term, he/she is eligible to compete when the student-athlete arrives on campus because of
his/her full-time enrollment by the 18 th calendar day of the fall term.
Case 4
Determination of Credit Hours
Student-Athlete R enrolls in a Psychology course that meets 3 hours a week and carries 3 credit hours, an English course that meets 4
hours a week and carries 4 credit hours and a Drawing course that meets twice a week for 3 hours each session and carries 2 credit hours. Is
such student-athlete carrying 9 or 13 credit hours of college work?
Nine (9). Each college determines the number of credit hours students receive for courses listed in the college catalog.
Case 5
Evening Division
Are student-athletes who take part in all of their 12 credit hours of college work in the evening division at Community College A eligible?
Yes. These credits count providing the courses offered in the evening division are the same or equivalent to the courses being offered in
the day school curriculum in which the student-athletes are enrolled.
Case 6
SITUATION: Credits by Examination
At Community College A, students are permitted to take examinations for college credit. Can the credits granted by examination be used
for the required 12 credit hours of enrollment for participation in athletics?
Yes, in part. The credits by examination can be used as part of the 12 credit hours only for the term which the credits are listed on the
official transcript. The credit by examination must be taken and approved prior to participation. The NJCAA will not
allow a student-athlete to take all 12 credits hours by examination and participate in NJCAA athletics. The examination to determine if credit
can be awarded must take place on or after the first day of the official term.
Case 7
Online Courses
Student-Athlete R enrolls at Community College A in a three (3) credit course that meets three times per week on campus. Student-Athlete
R also enrolls in nine (9) additional credits at Community College A which are taught as online courses which the student can participate in while
being off campus. Is Student-Athlete R eligible for NJCAA participation with this course load?
Yes, student-athlete R can be eligible for participation provided all twelve (12) credits are from the institution where student-athlete R
chooses to participate and make up a full-time load. The fact that nine (9) of the credits are taught as online courses does not restrict the
student-athlete from meeting the enrollment requirement.