Page 269 - (FINAL!) UPDATED 13.0) 2020-2021 HANDBOOK - SEPTEMBER 2020 EDITION_Neat
P. 269

Case 18
                                        ITA Amateur Reimbursement Form and NJCAA Certification (Tennis)
               Student-Athlete R is a tennis athlete and has participated in nine professional main draw events in tennis. Since Student-  Athlete R has
               participated in less than 10 main draw events, is Student-Athlete R automatically eligible in the NJCAA?
                   No. Student-Athlete R is not automatically eligible in the NJCAA based on having only participated in nine main draw  events in tennis.
               Student-Athlete R must meet the allowances of Article V, Section 4 just as all other NJCAA athletes must do.  The previous exception that
               existed for tennis was deleted effective August 1, 2014. The ITA Amateur Reimbursement Form is  no longer required for NJCAA

                                                             Case 19

               SITUATION:                             Main Draw Events (Tennis)
                   Student-Athlete R participates in an ITF main draw or other comparable main draw event during the summer between their  first and
               second seasons of NJCAA tennis.  May they accept the prize money should they qualify for it?  Has Student-Athlete R  forfeited their remaining
               NJCAA eligibility and amateur status by participating in this main draw event after their initial full-time  enrollment in college?
                   Student-Athlete  R  may  participate  in  individual  sports  in  a  professional  event,  provided  the  NJCAA  student-athlete  competes
               under amateur declaration and does not accept any award/winning which exceeds the allowances of the NJCAA.

                                                                 Case 20

               SITUATION:                                  Semi-Professional Team

                   Student-Athlete R participates on the Up-State Marauders Semi-Professional Football team for one season following high  school
               graduation at the age of 19. Student-Athlete R did not receive any compensation for playing on the Up-State Marauders  Semi-Professional
               Football team and was responsible for all of his expenses including travel.  Does Student-Athletes R’s  participation with the semi-professional
               team affect his NJCAA eligibility in any manner?

                   Yes. Due to the fact the Up-State Marauders refer to themselves as a semi-professional team and the fact that Student-  Athlete R
               participated with the semi-professional team on or after his 19 th   birthday, Student-Athlete R’s participation with the  team has nullified his
               NJCAA eligibility in the sport of football.

                                                                 Case 21
                                                            Expenses Received
                   Student-Athlete R participates on a European club basketball team.  While on the team the individual receives $2,000 per  month to cover
               all expenses including, transportation, housing and meals. What must be on file to assure the student has  maintained NJCAA amateur status?
                   An individual’s participation on an amateur team where expenses were covered or provided must have the following  documents on file to
               assure compliance with NJCAA bylaws:
                   1.   Detailed breakdown of all expenses showing the expense and payment of expenses. In this case the expenses must  total in excess
                       of the $2,000 monthly allotment.
                   2.   Written statement from the governing association that the club team is an amateur team.
                   3.   Statement from the club team identifying the period of time the individual was associated with the club and what the  specifics of
                       the association were.

                                                                Case 1
               The NJCAA charges a student a year of eligibility for participation against outside competition on a varsity, junior varsity or club  team.  In
               cases where an athlete is participating on a team not directly affiliated with a college, but the team requires the   student to be enrolled at the
               college in order to participate, the NJCAA will charge the student with a season of eligibility for that  participation.

                                                                Case 2

               SITUATION:                           Eligibility After a Break in Enrollment

                   Student-Athlete R initially enrolls at a four-year institution. After four consecutive full-time terms of attendance, Student-  Athlete R
               withdraws and does not attend for a period of five years. While at the four-year institution, Student-Athlete R did not  participate in any athletics.
               If Student-Athlete R enrolls at an NJCAA member college, will he/she be eligible to participate in  athletics?
                   Yes. A student-athlete has unlimited terms (semesters, quarters, trimesters) to complete two seasons in any one particular  sport.
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