Page 11 - July 25 catalogue amended
P. 11

Herewith a wonderful ranhe
of free blown gins, all in great condition, lots of crudity, bubbles, different base pontils & lips.
35. FREEBLOWN CASE GIN BOTTLE. 14.5ins tall. Light olive green glass, pig snout lip, base pontil, very thin walls. Surface scratches but overall a superb, very thin walled example, rare in this size. 9.5/10 NR £120-150+
    36. FREEBLOWN CASE GIN BOTTLE. 10.5ins tall. Dark green glass, very crude pig snout lip, base pontil, characterful & crude inmanufacture flaws. Minor
surface wear. 9.5/10 NR £40-60+
   37. REEBLOWN CASE GIN BOTTLE. 10ins tall. Mid green glass, fabulous flared snout lip, base pontil. Surface wear, inmanufacturing flaws. Another belter! 9.5/10 NR £40-60+
39. FREEBLOWN CASE GIN BOTTLE. 10.5ins tall. Mid green glass, pig snout lip, base pontil. Minor surface scratches, insignificant burst surface air bubbles plus bottom corner sharpness. 9.5/10 NR £40-60+
    38. FREEBLOWN CASE GIN BOTTLE. 10.75ins tall. Mid green glass, pig snout lip,
40. FREEBLOWN CASE GIN BOTTLE. 10ins tall. Mid green glass, wobbly flared lip, sharp base pontil. Slight rust staining to inside lip otherwise very good. 9.5/10 NR £40-60+
base pontil. Surface wear & very minor inmanufacture flaw. 9.5/10

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