Page 52 - GBC Spring 2017 eng
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Prior to the Idea Fair, Conference delegates submitted their facility’s best idea to the esteemed panel consisting of Doug Hawley (Redwood Golf Course), Slade King (Links of GlenEagles Golf Course), Joan Probert (Vancouver Board of Parks and Recreation), and NGCOA Canada’s Jim Thompson. With three dozen submissions, the panel narrowed it down to the Top 12. These Top 12 Ideas were then presented in person during the session to all attendees and voted on by their peers.
In addition to the top four ideas which earned the presenters great prizes from Kubota (see previous page for this year’s winning idea); there were also many other ideas that deserve an Honourable Mention and which may help increase net profit at your facility.
...More Great canadian ideas
custoM GolF cart exPerience
daryl sinden
Pine Knot Golf & Country Club
We had a Custom Golf Cart (Hummer H2) brought in for a great experience for our players this season. We would rent it daily to golfers for $50 per round and for golf tournaments we would do a raffle draw on the 1st tee with the winner getting use of the cart for the round. We generated an additional $400-$700 on each tournament (plus additional funds which were donated back to the tournament`s charity).
Ferris Bueller’s day oFF!
local initiative Fundraiser
Brian schaal
Copper Point Golf Club
As a resort area facility, golfers rarely tee off after 3 p.m. in our slower spring and fall months. We imple- mented a special rate of $40 after 3 p.m., Monday to Thursday, which included a $10 food voucher. We also donated $5 from every green fee to support 2 local initiatives: The Westside Legacy Trail and The New Community Centre.
Last year, this promotion attracted 4,662 players and a total of $116,550 in green fee revenue (an increase of $42,802 over previous year) and $46,620 minimum in food & beverage. The free publicity we received from the local newspapers and on social media was priceless.
Practice. Play. ride. (PPr)
Mark donaldson
The Meadows Golf & Country Club
Our facility is close to the city of Ottawa, contains 4 interchangeable nine holes, with 160 power carts. PPR uses our competitive advantage by offering $25 for a bucket of range balls, 9 holes of golf and a power cart for all customers after 6pm.
This helps generate more revenue during a traditionally slow time and brings in new golfers. There is no rush and no marshals, so it is great for learning the game without any pressure. This initiative has been very successful for the past four seasons and will continue next year.
Jon Fisher, Silver Springs Golf & Country Club
We created a Ferris Bueller’s Day Off Tournament in an effort to make our club stand out to the younger market, generate new member leads and differentiate ourselves from other private clubs in our market.
Our on-course offerings of food and social include music from the movies parade scene and activities/ challenges that relate to the movie. This helps showcase our golf course, facility, staff, and an attitude that lightens up the serious reputation of private facilities and the game of golf.
52 Golf Business Canada