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 Short form video best
Are you ready to start creating your own attention- grabbing short-form videos? Keep these best practices in mind as you create.5
1. Pay Attention to Popular Trends: In order to create content that fits on the short-form video platforms, you need to first dedicate time to consuming content on these platforms.
2. Start With a Hook: The nature of these short-form video platforms is that users scroll up to quickly go from video to video. It’s extremely easy for viewers to scroll past your video if it doesn’t immediately draw them in. To combat this, start with a hook. In the case of golf courses, the best hook is a stunning course image that makes the watcher want to see more.
3. Repurpose Long-Form Videos: If you’ve previously invested in a log of long-form videos, use those! You can easily crop the footage to fit a vertical screen and pick clips out from your longer videos using a video editing tool.
4.Keep it Less Than 30 Seconds: The best-case scenario is less than 30 seconds—or even sometimes less than 15 seconds. This makes sure your video really is bite-sized.
5. Share Consistently: If you want results from your short-form video content, you have to post new videos regularly. Aim to post at least a few times per week. This will make sure you have enough content for the algorithm to choose from and show to your target audience.
6. Promote Across Platforms: you don’t need to create separate strategies for TikTok, Instagram Reels, and YouTube Shorts; you can easily share your short- form videos across the three platforms.
7. Record Vertically: Short-form video platforms are meant to be viewed on mobile devices in a vertical format.
8. Use Your Caption Strategically: While you don’t have a ton of space in your caption, it’s still a great place to provide additional context to your video, so use it wisely. You can include a call-to-action, share more information not covered in the video, and more.
22 Golf Business Canada
engine optimization) driven and best for reaching those seeking content similar to yours. Check out the following statistics on the most popular platforms:
The average engagement rate for Instagram Reels is 1.23%. Videos with the highest engagement rates come from accounts with less than 5000 followers averaging an engagement rate of 3.79%. Users value interactions with smaller accounts that are able to reply to comments. On Instagram, video is the most popular format for users to share to other users via the platform’s messaging feature.1
Reels with audio see a 35% higher click-through rate compared to other video content. Short videos are viewed 200 billion times per day across all Facebook apps.2
TikTok boasts slightly over 1.5 billion monthly active users and is expected to rise to more than 2.2 billion by 2027. TikTok has the highest engagement rate by follower count of all social media platforms.3
Short vertical videos deliver an average of 15% more conversions per dollar with YouTube ads compared to standard landscape style videos. YouTube Shorts receive an average of 70 billion views each day.4
To expand the scope of a video campaign there are many possibilities that come into play with paid ads. Here are three paid advertising campaigns for your consideration:
1. Pay Per Click (PPC) advertising is available on YouTube, Facebook, Instagram and TikTok. PPC is flexible, as it allows for adjustments based on how a campaign is performing and a small budget can go a long way.
If a PPC campaign sees a high volume of conver- sions at a low cost per click, increasing the ad spend can easily generate more cost-effective results. Conversely, if a PPC campaign sees a low conversion rate at a high cost per click the decision to end the campaign can be made early on to ensure the best use of ad spend.
2. Retargeting campaigns target users that have already engaged with your content. Displaying a video ad specifically to users that have watched a

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