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 significant portion of a video is an effective way to make use of ad spend, as these users will be more likely to engage again as opposed to the general audience that was originally targeted.
3. Influencer Marketing is another option to consider, as some influencers will have an existing audience that is worth reaching and relevant to your facility. Having a social media professional recommend your course gives ‘social proof’ and the brand boost that comes with it. Many influencers are skilled at creating short video content. Working with someone who is a professional can be a great addition or alternative to the more traditional methods of paid advertising.
CK Golf recently worked with a golf consortium client whose social accounts saw tremendous growth through a 14-week short video campaign. The same video was posted to YouTube, Instagram and TikTok each week starting in November 2023. The videos were created with dynamic raw video flyover footage shot in 2023. Each video had the same call-to-action.
On YouTube Shorts, with consistent posting and strategic optimiza- tion, the videos quickly accumulated over 30,000 views in 14 weeks with a budget for paid ads of just $350. The YouTube videos also had an 8.8% click through rate to the clients website.
Repurposing the same videos to Instagram, despite minimal promo- tion and zero paid advertising, accumulated an impressive 6,000+ views. With a brand new TikTok account the same videos gained 13,000 organic views on the platform. The total short video views over 14 weeks during the winter was 49,000+ at a total cost of $350.
The same golf consortium client also pays to promote full length videos as well as Shorts all year long on YouTube. Over a 6-month period from NovembertoAprilatotalbudgetof$2,500producedthefollowingresults:
• Video Views: 184,245
• Watch Time: 2,248.7 Hours
• Cost per view: $0.013
• Clicks to website: 11,054
• Cost per click: $0.23
• Average time on website: 19 seconds
For this golf consortium, YouTube paid advertising drives traffic to their website at a much lower cost per click than other platforms or other online paid advertising campaigns. This campaign demonstrates how in today’s digital marketing landscape, utilizing short form video has become an essential and fundamental aspect of any fully integrated strategy.
Shortformvideoisheretostay,atleastforthetimebeing,asoneofthetop marketing strategies to incorporate in 2024. Benefitting from increased organic reach and cost-effective advertising opportunities that video pro- videsisessentialtoasuccessfulandfullyintegrateddigitalmarketingplan.
With most major social platforms having adopted the thriving short form content style of TikTok, we can expect short video to be an impor- tant format to pay attention to and take advantage of in 2025 and beyond.
24 Golf Business Canada
Golf Business Canada

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