Page 42 - K12 eCatalog
P. 42

Elder will reimburse 50% of qualifying advertising expenses (excluding production costs) incurred by customers with a maximum reimbursement of $2,000 or, if less, 3% of net shipments for the current year (January 1st – December 31st). In order to qualify for this reimbursement,
a customer has to have made minimum purchases of $5000 per year and the account
has to be in good credit standing.
For an advertisement to be eligible it must appear in one of the following accepted publications:
Website School Flyer Yellow Pages
Newspaper Advertisement Billboard Catalog Direct Mail Piece Television/Radio Advertisement
Each advertisement must feature Elderwear We Care and/or one of our labels:
Tom Sawyer Mark Twain Becky Thatcher School Days Elderado
A copy of the advertisement and the invoice has to be sent to our corporate of ce to the attention of the Credit Department and be received on/or before December 31st of the year the advertisement was published. If the information is received after this date there will be no credit given. The reimbursement will be re ected on the customers account as a credit.
There is no carryover of reimbursement from one year to the next. If the credit is not used by January 1st of the following year it will be removed from the account and no longer available for use.
If you have quesitons about sizing, please contact your individual Sales Rep or our Customer Service Department. We have easy to follow size charts that we can send electronically or, if preferred, a hard copy can be mailed.
 General Information

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