Page 43 - K12 eCatalog
P. 43

Since 2011 we have been helping our customers deal with the shipping costs associated with their early ship seasonal orders. By enrolling in this program you get the following bene ts:
* Lower freight costs due to Elder’s ability to negotiate large discounts.
* Deferred billing on shipping costs. We pay the truck line and add the charges to your invoice (which is not payable until August). You do not pay the truck line at the time of delivery.
* We also get no less than three bids from the truck lines when your shipment is ready. There are certain times when a truck line may want to give an additional discount in order to insure getting the freight as they may need to move trucks or trailers to your area and would rather move them for less pro t than totally empty.
If you would like to know more information or would like to sign up for this program, please speak to your Account Representative or call Customer Service at 1-800-829-8880.
* Outside normal size range on line items add $2 per garment.
* Re-labeling Elder goods to private label add $.50 per garment.
* One unit specials add $10 per garment.
* Inseam alterations add $.50 per garment.
* After May 1st all SSJ specials less than six units per size add $3 per garment.
Elder Manufacturing takes pride in the integrity and professionalism that each individual employee has and we are proud to call everyone part of our “Elder family”. To continue with this thought, we would like to extend a sincere Thank You to all the models pictured in this catalog. All models are children and family friends of Elder employees. Thanks for all the smiles!
                General Information

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