Page 15 - November Cover 2017.pmd
P. 15

fiddle decides to play accord-   ing me with His breath and
        ing to its own whims and         making whatever melody He
        fancies, the fiddler will throw it  wants flow out of me.
        down and smash it on the floor.     Thus, when you are a faith-
        When an expert flute-player is   ful flute, Krishna never leaves
        playing and the flute brings out  you. He keeps you with Him,
        some unexpected sound or         whatever He may be doing –
        wrong notes, he will simply      whether eating food or driving
        break the flute and throw it     a chariot in the war-front or
        away.                            tending cows in Gokul. The
          Now you and I are thrown       flute is always in His hands. If
        away, because we talk and act    He wants to use His left hand,
        with our arrogant ego: I want    He holds it in the right hand
        this; I want that. The moment I  and does the work. Thus, when
        surrender to Him, He lifts me    I have dropped my arrogant ego
        up and starts using me. Then     and have surrendered to him,
        whatever song comes out          He keeps me constantly in His
        through me is immaterial to me,  hands and never leaves me.
        for it is His song. The song     Thereafter, let Him sing what-
        coming out through me today      ever song He wants through
        may excite the  gopis; the song  this BMI (Body-Mind-Intellect).
        that comes out through me        I become His vehicle to play on
        tomorrow may make them           in this world.
        angry. It is none of my business.   Such a person through
        The next day, it may make them   whom the Lord expresses Him-
        all weep, but I am not making    self is called a great saint or
        the world weep. I am satisfied   sage. He is considered to be a
        that I am in His hands. He is    great Guru, and we say: gurur-
        keeping His lips on me and fill-  brahmä gurur-viñëuù gurur-devo

                                   Grave problems can drive only
            SMT. SUNEETHA &        unintelligent men of undisciplined
                                   thought and habits to an early grave.
         DR. R.L. UMASHANKAR
                                   Others successfully push the problems
                Davangere          into the grave and safely walk away.
                                                  Swami Chinmayananda

        Tapovan Prasad                15                   November  2017
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