Page 20 - November Cover 2017.pmd
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the body, mind and intellect and  we spend a lifetime trying to
        become miserable and ridden      describe His glory, not even a
        with sorrow. To surrender this   single ray of that mighty
        wrong notion of individuality    blindening light of wisdom can
        and to identify with the Infinite  really be expressed in words.
        is the goal indicated by all the  However, to a devoted mind,
        masters in all religions.        what I have said so far is more
                                         than sufficient to give a glimpse
        Surrender the Ego,               of it.
        Gain the Infinite                   So, when Krishna is stand-
                                         ing with the butter, we must
          Surrender through love;        understand that it is the end
        surrender through service;
                                         product of all activities of milk-
        surrender through knowledge –    ing, boiling the milk, churning
        using any one or all of them,
                                         etc. Similarly, the end product
        somehow this limited stupid      of all our activities is the bundle
        egocentric idea must be surren-  of  vasanas – our various hang-
        dered, so that we are awakened
                                         ups and our innate tendency to
        to a higher state of conscious-  react. These  vasanas cannot be
        ness – call it Krishna conscious-
                                         removed so easily, but in case
        ness, Jesus consciousness,       we open up our mind to the
        Buddha consciousness, for all of  Lord, He will loot them all:
        them are talking about one and
                                         näräyaëo näma naro naräëäà
        the same experience, though      prasiddhacoraù kathitaà
        called by different names.
          Lord Krishna, even while       aneka janmärjita päpasaïcayaà
        living in this world for our     haratyaçeñaà çrutamätra eva.  2
        benefit, was ever rooted in the
        highest consciousness. Even if   2  Vayu Purana,  2. 11. 321

                                   Those who know the art of self-
                                   development can easily learn how
             GEETHA GROUP          to steer the engine of existence from
                                   its driver’s seat safely around every
              Chennai 600 017      impediment.

                                               Swami Chinmayananda

        Tapovan Prasad                20                   November  2017
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