Page 21 - November Cover 2017.pmd
P. 21

In mankind, there is a man     give me that.” Turn the mind
        called  Narayana. He is well     totally to Him. Then He will loot
        known to be a looter.  He        your vasanas. That is why He is
        comes silently and takes         called Hari – haran karne wala –
        away all the impurities of the   looter. So, when I pray: “Hare
        heart, the bundle of  vasanas    Rama Hare Rama, Rama Rama
        and negativities accumulated     Hare Hare, Hare Krishna Hare
        through many lives.              Krishna,  Krishna Krishna Hare
                                         Hare,” I am exposing myself and
          The evolutionists say that     praying to Him to cleanse my
        after trillions of years came    impurities. What can He loot?
        plant life and then the animal   Only the stupid idea that I am
        and then the human. We don’t
                                         a separate entity! Once He loots
        know how many human lives        it, what remains is Narayana –
        you and I have lived through,    within and without. This is the
        and this life is a product of all  highest state of experience.
        those experiences.                  We may reach it through
          Our local looters take away    surrender and  devotion, or
        ornaments or gold or cash; some  through understanding and ser-
        take away the camera and the     vice of the world outside, rec-
        radio also, but they don’t take  ognizing that every  form is
        away your utensils and furni-    nothing but our beloved Lord’s
        ture! However, the moment you    expression, that people are
        think of Narayana, He comes      walking temples and moving
        and takes away everything,       churches. We should serve with
        leaving nothing behind. For      such an attitude, with our mind
        that, you must think of Him      centred in Him alone.
        exclusively. Do not think of Him    Thus, through  karma  yoga,
        and say, “O Lord, give me this;  bhakti yoga or  jnana yoga, reach

                                     Life is but these things – weakness,
            In loving memory of      illness, pain, death. In spite of it
          Amarlal Tolaram Hinduja    all, we get at least a few days of
                                     strength, health, joy and life. We
               Hyderabad, India      must consider this as a privilege.
                                                 Swami Chinmayananda

        Tapovan Prasad                21                   November  2017
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