Page 25 - November Cover 2017.pmd
P. 25

to go to the forest, Lakshmana   Retirement is possible from a
        also went with him. Nobody       post, but not when one’s life is
        told him to go, and Rama also    dedicated to  sevä. For such a
        wished him to stay back, but     person, there is only one karma
        Lakshmana did not agree. He      in life, and that is to serve. He
        said to Sri Rama: My duty is     has no desire or agenda of his
        towards you alone, and not       own other than serving the
        towards anyone else. And         master.
        Bharata, though he got the king-    In the case of a beloved or a
        dom, expressed his firm convic-  wife, love is a little different. A
        tion: My welfare is only in      wife can order, command and
        serving the Lord. Hanumanji      even get angry with the be-
        saw the Lord alone, wanting      loved, but a servant cannot do
        nothing, desiring nothing else.  that. However, the love is
        All these are examples of        equally intense. The love of Sita
        trirüpa-bhaìga. This is how love  Devi for Lord Rama, and that
        should be.                       of Rukmini, Radhika and the
          The  Ramayana shows not        gopés for Lord Krishna are some
        only how loving Lakshmana        good examples of  käntä  bhäva.
        was towards Sita Devi and Sri    However, everybody cannot
        Ramachandra, but also how        have  käntä  bhava;  we are not
        they loved him. Lakshmana        adhikärés for that. The beauty of
        looked after them the way a      däsa bhäva is that it is present in
        person extremely attached to his  all relationships. Even in a
        own body would take care of      mother,  sevä  bhäva is there,
        it. And Rama and Sita looked     because she serves the child
        after him the way the eyelids    constantly, thinking about its
        take care of the eyes! For a nitya-  welfare all the time. In  Yoga
        däsa, there is no retirement.    Vasishtha, Sri Rama says to

            M. RAMAKRISHNA GLASS &
                PLYWOODS (P) LTD.             A liberated person lies
                                              dormant in every mortal.
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                  Tel: 044 2535 0252             Swami Chinmayananda
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        Tapovan Prasad                25                   November  2017
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