Page 22 - November Cover 2017.pmd
P. 22
Him and awake to that plane of Even though He was playing in
consciousness. Come to experi- the world at all levels of social
ence Krishnamayam jagat. That activity, never does He seem to
mighty Lord Krishna alone is all come down from the awareness
this, says the Krishna-bhakta. The of His infinite divine nature, the
Siva-bhakta says Sivamayam jagat. joyous state of bliss absolute.
Those who are meditating on Krishna is the only character we
Brahman say Brahmamayam jagat. find among the great masters,
Call it by whatever name, the who is, as it were, moulded in
experience is the same. Remove delight, carved out in joy,
the shackles of the ego, the soaked in bliss. Never is there a
limitations of the mind and drowsy or melancholy look
open your heart. You can reach about Him, whether His son is
perfection. All is lost because of dying, or His kingdom des-
your arrogant ego. Learn to troyed – nothing that happens
surrender it. in the world touches Him with
You cannot do this over- melancholy, disappointment or
night; it has to be practised frustration.
again and again. At the most
unexpected moment, the ego Conclusion
will rise again. Learn to control When we look at life from
it and rise above it, and once the highest standpoint of pure
you have risen and engaged consciousness, which is of the
yourself or got fully entrenched nature of bliss, there can only
in that experience divine, to be joy and nothing else. These
such a master, there is no return worldly sorrows and joys are
– yadgatvä na nivartante, taddhä- only waves on the surface of the
ma paramaà mama, meaning that ocean, which in its depths is
thereafter you can play on in the calm. This is the Vedantic
world, unaffected by all its ups philosophy, which we see
and downs. portrayed in the glorious life of
Even while playing in the Lord Krishna. Let us pray that
world for the benefit of He should remove from our
mankind, the wise one who has minds all our vasanas, so that
realized his true identity we get rid of our egocentric
remains steadfast, with no notions and surrender to Him
agitation in the mind. Krishna completely.
demonstrates this in His life.
Tapovan Prasad 22 November 2017