Page 36 - November Cover 2017.pmd
P. 36

that she has it already around   concept of videha-mukti – libera-
        her neck. All  sädhanäs lead to  tion without the body (after
        jïäna, and jïäna alone can give  death) is accepted by almost
        liberation by pointing out: You  everyone. In deep sleep, I have
        are already that!                no idea of body, time, space or
          The scriptures describe        creation – I am free. In the same
        sädhanä as three-fold: ätmä vä are  way,  videha-mukti is liberation
        drañöavyaù çrotavyo mantavyo     when there is no physical exist-
        nididhyäsitavyaù  – ätmä is to be  ence.
        known (by) listening (çravanam)     However, if we posit that
        to the scriptures, contemplation  liberation is possible only when
        (mananam) on what is heard,      the physical body drops, it will
        and then, if the feeling of fini-  mean that the moment the
        tude continues, by meditating    student realizes the Truth, he
        (nididhyäsanam) upon it. Çravaëa  will drop down dead! If he
        begins with descriptions of      continues to live, then he is not
        creation, païcékaraëa, païcakoñas  liberated, implying that he is
        etc. and culminates with the     still ignorant (ajïäné). Further,
        mahäväkyas like ‘That thou art’  the Guru who imparts the
        and ‘This  ätmä is  Brahman’.    knowledge will be an ajïäné by
        When this knowledge is inter-    virtue of being alive!
        nalized, one recognizes one’s       This is unacceptable. Now
        own infinite nature.             we will examine  jévan-mukti,
                                         liberation while the physical
        Types of Liberation              body is still alive. The word

          In  advaita-vedänta, liberation  jévan indicates an entity, which
        means total freedom. So the      is alive and the word  mukti
                                         denotes a sense of liberation.
        1   Brihadaranyaka Upanishad,  4.5.6  Jévan shows that there is transi-

                 In memory of         Thoughtless action and actionless
             Smt. SAVITRI KOHLI       thought – both cause sorrow and
                                      suffering. So act thoughtfully.
                  Texas, U.S.A.
                                                Swami Chinmayananda

        Tapovan Prasad                36                   November  2017
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