Page 40 - November Cover 2017.pmd
P. 40
jéva and jéva, nor is there any attain Brahman, whom every-
difference between jéva con- body claims? In an organization,
sciousness and éçvara conscious- if every person claims he is the
ness. CEO, then the title of CEO has
Bhagavan says that the body no meaning. So, why strive to
is called the field and the reach that Brahman, if every-
knower of the field is called body is Brahman?”
kñetrajïa – idaà çaréraà kaunteya Swamiji answered, “If you
kñetram-ityabhidhéyate. I feel I claim you are Brahman, then
am the knower of my kñetra and there is no ‘everybody’. Every-
Bhagavan says: I am the knower thing else will be dissolved in
of all kñetras – kñetrajïaà cäpi Brahman. This is the nature of
mäà viddhi. Since He is the liberation. However, if ‘every-
knower of all kñetras, I, the body’ is there, then you are not
knower of my kñetra, am also Brahman.”
nothing else but Him. This When I understand I am
means there is no difference Brahman, there is no jéva-jéva
between I-consciousness and bheda, jéva-jagat bheda, jéva-éçvara
God-consciousness. They are the bheda. All differences and
same. conditionings are gone. That
Well, what about the differ- Brahman am I. Where all other-
ence between jéva and the ness is gone, there is advaitam.
world? Somebody once asked, In Brahman, there is no non-
“Swamiji, I am meditating on ätman. This is advaita.
Brahman, and so is the person
next to me. Everybody else over Scriptural Authentication
here is also meditating on On the subject of liberation,
Brahman. Why should I try to we cannot have our own ideas.
4 Gita, 13.1 It has to be validated by a
Ultimate School of Interior Design To live rightly is itself
an art.
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(Near Old Ram Theatre), Chennai 600 024 Swami Chinmayananda
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Tapovan Prasad 40 November 2017