Page 45 - November Cover 2017.pmd
P. 45
Kavita Chanrai, Laju Chanrai and Swamini Kaivalyananda share their joy, remembering
him what his comment ‘good’ a real challenge he had given
meant. He said it was a good me. We had the camp in a place
house, but did not elaborate called the Queen’s Hotel, owned
further. He stayed for a day. He by Sri Dadu Patel, who pro-
didn’t get the usual cold! Six vided Indian food. The camp
months later, he came again and was a success.
then every time he flew to the We operated out of our resi-
U.S.A., he would halt at London dence, which was given as the
and stay with us. address for Chinmaya Mission.
People thought it was the
Tell us about your involve- mission’s London centre and
ment with setting up the many would call to enquire
mission centre in London. whether they could come and
stay there. Gurudev used to tell
There were not many devotees people, “I have my house in
in London then. Five devotees London!” So people believed
approached us for help in set- there was a centre, when we
ting up a centre. In 1986, had not even registered the
Gurudev agreed to conduct a mission. After the camp, we
yajna there, but he said that it registered and today we have a
should be a camp. I felt it was beautiful independent place
Tapovan Prasad 45 November 2017