Page 49 - November Cover 2017.pmd
P. 49
ved his letter, in which he had writing. I shall write to you
drawn a figure sitting in the every day.” I felt very jealous
lotus position. This was the and said, “You will write to her
position in which his body was every day? You never write to
brought back to India. And he me every day!” He looked into
had written: Now, I will be my eyes directly and said, “Do
going home to S–L–E–E–P. This I need to?” I felt very small!
letter was written at the end of Actually, by then I was
June, and for some reason, I mentally communicating with
didn’t get it till September. I him. He would get my message
cried by the buckets. He knew, and send me a reply. Sometimes
and that’s why he had said I a question would occur to me
need not come to London when after returning home from the
he was passing through. yajna and I would think of
When he was with us for ten asking him the next day. But in
days, we saw his failing health, the morning, the answer would
his tenderness and love, but be there in my mind itself.
never thought we would not see I think when you reach a
him again. He doesn’t usually certain stage in life your mental
stay that long. We have lovely vibrations reach out to him.
memories of Gurudev that fill Now I don’t miss Gurudev’s
us today with a lot of love and physical presence, because I am
nostalgia – memories that we so much in communion with
treasure. him. I remember him vividly
and hear his resounding laugh-
Did you have any occasion ter. I have received so much
where Gurudev made you love from Gurudev and all the
feel very special? swamis.
A young couple from Holland Were there moments when
would often come to our place you felt the need for care
to meet Gurudev. They were and he understood?
going through a bad patch in
life and sought spiritual and Yes. I ran a big house and had
emotional support from him. a lot of guests. Mummy and
When Gurudev was leaving for children would be home during
the airport, he told that girl, summers. And I had just one
“Keep up with your letter maid for help. On one occasion,
Tapovan Prasad 49 November 2017