Page 52 - November Cover 2017.pmd
P. 52


                                            Swami Krutatmananda  con-
                                         ducted a  Gita Jnana Yajna in Kan-
                                         nada at Twinklers’ Vidyaniketan,
                                         Nagarbhavi, from Aug. 16 to 22.
                                         Speaking on  Gita Ch. 9, Swamiji
                                         encouraged the audience to train
                                         the ever-turbulent mind, under-
                                         stand the impermanence of the
                                         external world and seek the bliss

                                         Sultanpur, U.P.
        Br. Vimukta Chaitanya gives discourses in
        Hyderabad.                          Swami Gangeshananda deliv-
                                         ered discourses on Canto 11 of
        discourses on ‘Cool Happiness’ at  Srimad Bhagavatam  in Sultanpur
        Chinmaya Dhyana Nilayam from     from Sep. 4 to 10. The morning
        Aug. 28 to Sep. 3. The devotees  talks were on  Manisha Panchakam.
        enjoyed the inspiring talks based  The  yajna was well attended and
        on the text  Jivan Mukti Viveka by  people benefited greatly from
        Swami Vidyaranya.                Swamiji’s explanations.
          2.  Br. Vimukta Chaitanya  con-
        ducted a Gita Jnana Yajna in Telugu  Quepem, Goa
        in Chinmaya Dhyana Nilayam          Chinmaya Mission Ponda orga-
        from Sep. 15 to 17. His talks on Gita  nized an ‘All India Sadhana Shibir’
        Ch. 5 were enjoyed by the audience.  at the serene premises of Shri

        Swami Pratyayananda, Swami Sughoshananda and the campers gather for a picture
        against the beautiful backdrop of the temple in Quepem, Goa.

        Tapovan Prasad                52                   November  2017
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