Page 55 - November Cover 2017.pmd
P. 55
participated in the melange of pits and helped the villagers to lay
events such as poetry writing, kitchen gardens to grow their own
poetry recitation, Digi-quiz, mono- vegetables.
acting, dance, music, best out of
waste, cook without fire, T-shirt Sri City, A.P.
painting, rangoli, vegetable printing,
The Kalam Sandesh Vahini was
creative writing and yoga. These received with a salute by the school
competitions also encouraged
band in Sri City Chinmaya Vidya-
students to adopt innovative
laya on Aug. 24. The students of
techniques and develop their ideas
G.V.K. Chinmaya Vidyalaya in
and skills. Prizes were distributed
Nellore, MARG Chinmaya Vidya-
to the winners and all received a laya and Irugulam Z.P. High School
participation certificate for their
also came to the Vidyalaya to visit
enthusiastic efforts.
the Sandesh Vahini.
2. As a part of the Chinmaya
Balsevak program, 53 students and Ellayapalle, A.P.
five teachers went to Thamaraipak-
kam to offer services to nearby Chinmaya Hari Hara Vidyalaya
villages. Under the guidance of celebrated Krishnashtami and
Acharya Priya, the Seva team, Ganesha Chaturthi with samoohika
along with CORD volunteers, went pujas and appropriate activities.
to five villages and taught the About 80 children from the pre-
people to prepare pain balm, make primary section came dressed as
agarbathis and sell their products. Krishnas and gopikas and par-
The team built soak pits and azola ticipated in the pot-breaking and
Students demonstrate
agarbathi making to
the rural folk near
Tapovan Prasad 55 November 2017