Page 50 - November Cover 2017.pmd
P. 50
I was feeling totally exhausted. instruct the driver – these are
Even though Gurudev had been not for the swamis. Please see
with us the previous week, I that only the brahmacharis and
was missing him. He had left students (of the Vedanta
for Chicago to inaugurate Badri, Course) get them.
the new mission centre there. She could go to Gurudev’s
Understanding my condition he kutia any time. When Guruji had
said, “Come over.” I was hesi- first joined the ashram, he would
tant. The next day he spoke to tell her, “Amma, I am also
Mummy and told her that he coming with you to meet
wanted me to go over to Swamiji.” About her generosity,
Chicago for a few days. So she Gurudev said, “She was like the
readily offered to look after Laju flowing Ganga …” The connec-
and the house. The next day, I tion between them was very
left for Chicago, spent a few deep. I firmly believe that there
days there and recharged must have been some connec-
myself. This was Gurudev’s tion in their past life.
compassion! He always said to
all: Reach out to me. I am there
To conclude, how would
for you.
you describe your journey?
We have heard a lot about
I see it continuing from this life-
Kamala Amma’s generosity. time to another. Gurudev has
Please tell us about that.
awakened me and I never want
to go back to sleep. He has
She was generous to a fault. She always been a part of my life.
would very often donate um- There have been difficult
brellas, blankets, clothes, bed- moments, but when I look
sheets and so on. Gurudev had around, I always see him by my
told her to look after all the side with a laughing face.
brahmacharis as her own chil- Gurudev’s love will sustain me
dren. He would say, “Since your for the rest of my journey till I
one son lives abroad and the meet Him, where he is waiting
other (Gurudev) keeps travel- for all of us. I can never say,
ling, all these children are there “He ‘was’ my Guru.” It is
for you.” So Mummy would always: He is my Guru!
send baskets of fruits and
Tapovan Prasad 50 November 2017