Page 46 - November Cover 2017.pmd
P. 46
called Chinmaya Kirti. And our Thanks to the various acharyas
strength is our youth. of the mission who visit London
frequently, we have had a good
True. Just as the U.S.A. is
famous for its Balavihar, exposure. Now we have our
own resident acharya. The mis-
London is famous for the sion has grown beautifully, and
it is all Gurudev’s vision.
We have had some really good
teachers, as well as a strong Please tell us about your
support system. There were travel experiences with
seven of us – Tushar Karia, Gurudev.
Rupin Vadera, Zia Rawji and so
on. There were financial chal- Most of my travel with him has
lenges and when books arrived, been abroad. Once, I was visit-
there wasn’t enough facility for ing Bombay and Gurudev was
arranging and transporting to going to Thrissur for a yajna. He
the yajnasala. Once, the volun- asked me to accompany him. I
teers took the books from my was hesitant, but he talked me
house, but forgot the BMI chart into going. Once we reached
to be carried to the venue. We there, we found him sur-
noticed it when Gurudev was rounded by all the Kerala devo-
ready to leave for the yajna. I tees, and it was difficult for us
was worried, because the car to go anywhere near him!
was full. We had to put it on Kamal had also come along.
the top of the car and tie it Both of us felt a bit ignored.
down. It was still not secure, so Gurudev was in his element,
the people sitting at the chatting away with them in
windows held it from either Malayalam.
side. Gurudev was sitting in the After two days, I told him
front laughing away! Luckily, in that since he did not have any
the model of the car we were time for us, I would like go back
driving, it was not illegal to to Bombay. He said, “No. I have
carry it that way. brought you here for a purpose
In the morning classes, the and was saving it for you. We
attendance used to be 30-40 are going to Guruvayoor today.
people and for the evening, Come with me.” Of course, my
some 200-300. Today, the even- eyes lit up! Going with your
ing classes cross the 1000 mark! Guru to Guruvayoor! We went
Tapovan Prasad 46 November 2017