Page 64 - November Cover 2017.pmd
P. 64

Swamini Vimalananda with the participants of the Chinmaya Netritva workshop in
        and interview segments from Aug.  principal of CIRS) guided the
        31 at Chinmaya Vidyalaya, 5063, Z-  participants on the roles of a master
        Block, Anna Nagar, Chennai.      trainer. Smt. Rajeshwari explained
                                         the core aspects of CVP, using
        Chinmaya Gardens,
                                         activities and demonstrations. The
        Coimbatore                       participants made presentations on
          1. CVP (Chinmaya Vision        topics connecting the curriculum
        Programme) Master Trainers’      with CVP.
        Programme (MTP – IV) was organi-    2.  Under the guidance of
        zed by the CCMT Education Cell   Swamini Vimalananda, 19 senior
        exclusively for the  Chinmaya Vid-  faculty members, principals and
        yalayas of Karnataka, Andhra     vice-principals from eight Chin-
        Pradesh   and   Telangana   at   maya Colleges attended the first
        Chinmaya Gardens, Siruvani, from  ever ‘Chinmaya Netritva’ leader-
        Sep. 7 to 9. Twenty-one partici-  ship workshop at Chinmaya
        pants, comprising principals, vice-  Gardens from Aug. 16 to 18. In her
        principals and senior teachers with  inaugural talk, Swamini Vimala-
        a basic understanding and experi-  nanda explained the purpose of the
        ence of CVP attended the program.  workshop and talked about the
        Swami Anukoolananda shared       newly introduced LEEP (Life
        good practices being followed to  Empowerment & Enrichment
        inculcate CVP values at CIRS     Programme) and the Chinmaya
        (Chinmaya International Residen-  Yuva Sevak Certificate Programme.
        tial School). Smt. Shanti Krishna-  Dr. Senthil Kumaran of The Lear-
        murthy (director of CVP and      ners Confluence shared numerous

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