Page 61 - November Cover 2017.pmd
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acharyas after due introduction. The Aug. 27. The six-week residential
sponsors of the course present at Foundation Vedanta Course cover-
the function were Smt. Pushpalata ed texts such as Amritabindu Upani-
Poornan, Smt. Sakuntala Gupta, shad and Bhagavad Gita Ch. 18 and
Smt. Mythili Aravind, Dr. Usha and also included sessions on Kamba
Dr. Vatsala. They received tokens Ramayana and Siva Aparadha-ksha-
of appreciation from Mukhya mapana Stotram. Thirty delegates
Swamiji. Paduka Puja was per- from all over the world lived the
formed by Mukhya Swamiji and gurukula life to study, reflect and
Swamini Vimalananda. The collec- meditate on the Vedantic principles
tive efforts of all the acharyas of and also learn the value of tradi-
Tamil Nadu, Sri Suresan, the ad- tions and art forms. Joyful celebra-
ministrative team of Chinmaya tions of Naga Panchami, Pujya
Gardens and the donors bore fruit Gurudev’s Aradhana Day, Raksha
and made the function a memo- Bandhan, Independence Day, Kri-
rable one. shna Janmashtami and Vinayaka
Chaturthi delighted the campers.
The 15th Dharma Sevak
Course, Chinmaya YEP Convocation at
Gardens, Coimbatore Chinmaya Vibhooti,
The 15th Dharma Sevak Course,
conducted by Swamini Vimala- Two batches of the Youth
nanda with the support of Brni. Empowerment Program (YEP)
Sharanya Chaitanya, was held at came together for their convocation
Chinmaya Gardens from July 17 to ceremony in the presence of
Swamini Vimalananda, Swamini Sampratishthananda, Brni. Sharanya Chaitanya and
Br. Ved Chaitanya with the delegates of the Dharma Sevak Course in Coimbatore.
Tapovan Prasad 61 November 2017