Page 206 - ro membanes
P. 206
Depending on the force (pressure or vacuum) driving the filtration process, membrane pretreatment systems are classified as pressure driven (pressurized) and vacuum driven (sub- merged). Based on the size of membrane pores, the membrane systems used for pretreatment are classified as MF and UF, with pore sizes of 0.04e0.1 mm and 0.01e0.02 mm, respectively. Although earlier generations of MF elements had pore sizes of 0.1e0.2 mm, at present the dif- ference between MF and UF element pores is only a factor of 2e3. Table 9.1 provides a list of some of the large-size seawater desalination plants with membrane pretreatment in operation at present.
One of the largest pressure membrane pretreatment systems in the world is located in Bin- ningup, Australia, at the 300,000 m3/day (79 MGD) Southern seawater desalination plant. The largest desalination plant with vacuum-driven membrane pretreatment is the 300,000 m3/day (79 MGD) Adelaide desalination facility in Australia (Fig. 9.2).
TABLE 9.1 Large Desalination Plants With Membrane Pretreatment
Desalination Plant Location and Capacity
Shuwaikh, Kuwait 350,000 m3/day (92 MGD)
Adelaide seawater reverse osmosis (SWRO) desalination plant, Australiad300,000 m3/day
(79 MGD)
Southern seawater desalination projectd300,000 m3/day
(79 MGD)
Quigdao SWRO plant, Chinad232,000 m3/day (61 MGD)
Palm Jumeira, UAE, two SWRO plants @ 96,000 m3/day each
Bekton desalination plant, London, UKd150,000 m3/day (40 MGD)
Fukuoka SWRO plant, Japand96,000 m3/day (25 MGD)
Kindasa SWRO plant, Saudi Arabiad90,000 m3/day (24 MGD)
Yu-Huan SWRO plant, Chinad36,000 m3/day (10 MGD)
Pretreatment System Type, Configuration, and Supplier
Pressure ultrafiltration (UF) Norit/ Pentair
Submerged UF membranes Memcor-Evoqua
Pressure UF membranes Memcor-Evoqua
Pressure UF system Norit-Pentair
Pressure UF system Norit-Pentair
Pressure UF system Norit-Pentair
Pressure UF membranes Hydranautics
Dual media pressure filtration followed by pressure UF Hydranautics
Submerged UF membranes GE Zenon
Hydraulic Loading Rate
60e77.5 L/m2 h 52e64 L/m2 h
40e50 L/m2 h 80e93 L/m2 h
Avg.d85 L/m2 h 60e80 L/m2 h Avg.d85 L/m2 h 40e70 L/m2 h
60e80 L/m2 h
Dual media filtration
rated15e20 m3/m2 h UF fluxd80e100 L/m2 h
40e60 L/m2 h
Shallow intake
Deep open intake
Shallow open intake
Open intake
Open intake
Saline river intake
Subsurface intake
Near shore open intake in industrial port
Open intake