Page 205 - ro membanes
P. 205
9.7.4 General Electric Water and
Process Technologies 213
9.7.5 Other UF and MF Membrane Products 214
9.8 Design Examples 216
9.8.1 Submerged UF Pretreatment
System 216
9.8.2 Pressure-Driven UF
Pretreatment System 217
9.9 Construction Costs of Membrane Pretreatment System 218
References 219
Particulate, colloidal inorganic, and some of the solid and colloidal organic foulants con- tained in the saline source water can be removed successfully using microfiltration (MF) or ultrafiltration (UF) membrane pretreatment. Fig. 9.1 depicts a general schematic of water desalination plant with membrane pretreatment. As indicated on this figure, saline water pre- treatment includes several key components: (1) coarse and fine screens similar to those used for plants with conventional pretreatment; (2) microscreens to remove fine particulates and sharp objects from the water that could damage the membranes; and (3) UF or MF membrane system.
FIGURE 9.1 General schematic of desalination plant with membrane pretreatment.