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The flux distribution pattern in RO-membrane vessels depicted on Fig. 1.4 could change significantly as a result of the membrane-fouling process. If the source seawater contains a large amount of foulants of persistent occurrence, as the first element if completely fouled, its permeability (flux) over time will be reduced below its typical level (25% of total vessel production) and the flux of the second RO element will be increased instead. After the fouling of the second RO element reaches its maximum, a larger portion of the feed flow will be redis- tributed down to the third RO element, until all elements in the vessel begin to operate at a comparable and significantly lower flux.
Flux redistribution caused by particulate fouling, NOM deposition and/or biofouling can trigger scale formation on the membrane surface of the last RO element, which would not occur under normal flow distribution pattern (low-fouling conditions) shown on Fig. 1.4. The main reason for this phenomenon is that the concentrate polarization on the surface of the last RO element typically increases over two times as a result of this flux redistribution. As indicated previously, in a typical 7-element-per-vessel configuration and nonfouling con- ditions, the last element would operate at flux that is only 6%e8% of the average vessel flux. Under fouling-driven flux redistribution in the membrane vessel, the flux of the last element will increase to 12%e14% (i.e., it would be approximately two times higher than usual). Since membrane polarization is exponentially proportional to flux, if the RO system is operated at the same recovery, the likelihood for scale formation on the last one or two RO elements in- creases exponentially.
In addition to increasing the potential for mineral fouling (scaling) on the last one or two membrane elements, the long-term operation of fouled RO system is not advisable because of the higher feed pressure (energy) needed to overcome the decreased membrane permeability, if the system is operated to produce the same permeate flow. As the RO-system feed pressure reaches certain level (usually 75e85 bars for SWRO desalination systems), the external mem- brane fouling would be compounded by internal fouling due to the physical compaction of the membrane structure, which in turn would cause irreversible damage of the membranes.
Therefore, understanding of the causes and mechanisms of RO-membrane fouling are of critical importance for the successful design and operation of RO desalination plants.
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