Page 3 - PULSE@UM
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message from the deputy dean
DEPUTY DEAN (RESEARCH) Pulse@UM is a tri-annual research bulletin
in English published by the Faculty of
Medicine at the University of Malaya.
My warmest greetings to all! The views and opinions expressed here
are those of the author(s) and do not
Not long after the “birth” of new Malaysia necessarily reflect those of UM, and the
(post 9 May), the prestigious journal editorial board. Materials from the Bulletin
Nature in its June 2018 issue highlighted may be reprinted with proper attribution.
Malaysia (i.e., University of Malaya) as If you would like to learn more about
being on par with Hong Kong, Singapore, anything from this bulletin, or would
South Korea and Taiwan in its research like to contribute or subscribe to future
capacity. These are the five East Asian issues, please get in touch with us at
countries with world leading institutions
based on international rankings and
publication statistics. The article also identified Malaysia as a world For the online version of this bulletin, visit:
leader in encouraging women to participate in science.
This third issue of Pulse@UM begins with the research journey of two
prominent parasitologists. If you missed the enlightening inaugural We would like to acknowledge and thank
lectures of these two parasitologists on worms and malaria parasites the following contributors to this issue:
respectively, the Our People, Our Story section brings you a summary
of their exciting work on these parasites. Pauline Lai Siew Mei, Azad Razack,
Ong Teng Aik, Jasmine Lim, Retnagowri
As we approach the month of October, which is the Cancer Awareness Rajandram, Hany Ariffin, Nur Aishah binti
month, we would like to highlight the whole gamut of cancer Mohd Taib, Chui Ping Lei, Woo Yin Ling,
research-related activities in our faculty which cover fundamental Kiew Lik Voon, Chung Lip Yong, Yeong
Chai Hong, Noran Naqiah Mohd Hairi,
research,translational research and research that utilises Azlina Ahmad Annuar, Tan Choo Hock, Nur
nanotechnology. Aishah Taib, Thamil Selvee Ramasamy.
We are also proud to highlight the story of a successful multi- EDITORIAL BOARD
agency collaboration. Project ROSE (Removing Obstacles to cervical
ScrEening), led by University of Malaya, was shortlisted as one of Advisors:
the three finalists for the 2018 UICC (Union for International Cancer Adeeba Kamarulzaman
Control) Collaborative Award. This prestigious award recognises Yvonne Lim Ai Lian
collaborative initiatives, whether national, regional or international Low Wah Yun
thatexhibit innovative models of engagement and outcomes. Editor-in-Chief:
Tan Choo Hock
Lastly, we would like to congratulate all the award winners. The
dynamism of our faculty students and staff is once again recognised Editors:
at the national and international arena. With that, I would like to leave Fadzilah Hanum Mohd Mydin
you with this quote, “It is amazing what you can accomplish if you Choo Wan Yuen
do not care who gets the credit” by the late Harry S. Truman (33rd Tan Kae Yi
President of United States). Kathleen Fernandez
Nurul Farhana Mohd Nasir
Carol Ann Cheah Wei Qi
Hope you enjoy this issue.
With best wishes, Digital illustration of lung cancer cells in color
For editorial use only.
Professor Dr Yvonne Lim Ai Lian