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our people, our story

                           Professor Yvonne, her students and team members at her recent
                                  UM inaugural lecture and ASM Fellow’s lecture.
        Stars of East Asia, she remains grounded and  Malaysia.  Although  some  communities  were
        humble about her achievements. The following  already  exposed to  development, it  was
        is a summary of her heartwarming story which  found  that  worm infections still  persisted
        she  delivered with  much humour, passion   in  the  indigenous  population with  an  overall
        and sincerity.                              prevalence of 73.2%. These results were then
                                                    presented to the Director of the Department of
        DEBUNKING  THE  MYTH  ABOUT  GUT  Orang Asli Development (JAKOA) in 2010 and
        WORMS  BY  UNLOCKING  THE  SECRETS          following the outcome of the National Action
        OF GUT MICROBIOTA                           Council  (MKN)  in  that  same  year,  deworming
        In  her  recent  UM  inaugural  lecture  and  ASM  programmes  were  re-initiated,  benefitting
        Fellow’s lecture, Professor Yvonne took us on  approximately  1600  Orang  Asli.  This  was  a
        a journey of discovery to unlock the secrets of  significant  action  by  the  government  agency
        gut worms  and microbiota.  Gut  worms  such  as large scaled deworming programmes have
        as  Ascaris lumbricoides,  Trichuris trichiura,  been discontinued in Malaysia since 1983.
        and hookworm have  always  been associated
        with  poor health, which  is  why  deworming  To empower these communities to take
        programmes are conducted worldwide to  ownership of their  health issues, a health
        eradicate  these  worms  from  our  human  gut.  education  project,  aptly  named  HELP  (Health
        However, in recent years, there is a growing  Educational Learning Package) was developed
        interest in using worms as therapeutic agents for  and initiated, which involved school teachers,
        inflammatory diseases.                      school  children,  and  villagers.  Coupled  with
                                                    deworming  treatments,  the programme was
        Her journey to unravel the secrets  of these  effective in decreasing the number of infections
        worms  started in 2007,  when her  team  as well  as the parasite  load in infected
        conducted a comprehensive study on the status  individuals.  Based  on  post-intervention
        of worm  infections  among the  indigenous  evaluation, knowledge that  was  imparted  to
        (Orang Asli) communities residing in Peninsular  the school children was carried home to their

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