Page 17 - MISAKZN2017
P. 17
“Be true to who you are. Courage I am Shrestha Maharaj , a
comes from knowing your truth and hardworking and determined 21-
standing up for it, only then is it year-old. I have obtained a
special” – Priyanka Chopra
Bachelor's degree in Medical
Science from the University of
My name is Shonel Rambaran and
it is these valuable traits and KwaZulu-Natal.
determined spirit that I wish to
emulate.. I am currently doing my Honour's
degree in Medical Microbiology
I'm a sociable, loyal, 24 year old and hope to do my Master's
graduate from The University of SHONEL RAMBARAN degree in stem cell research next
KwaZulu Natal with a Bachelor of year. I believe the cure to multiple SHRESTHA MAHARAJ
Science degree in Cell Biology and diseases lies at the crux of stem
Genetics. I am currently working as a Student medical cell research. Therefore, phenomenal stem cell
technician and I come from the beautiful city of Durban. researchers are required to discover its plethora of
Besides my career, I also enjoy dancing, which is a passion
that I have pursued for approximately 10 years. I have This is the contribution I believe that I can make for the
enjoyed performing at numerous charitable events and betterment of humanity. I am the Director of Shrenash
festivals. Dance Company and one of our initiative's was to offer
Being a Humanitarian, uplifts my spirit and boosts my free dance lessons to the youth so as to ensure these
confidence. I am a member of the Rotaract Club of Verulam, individuals learn to embrace and honour the importance
a subsidiary of Rotary International. I have engaged in of their culture and are not lacking in opportunities to learn
numerous Community outreach programmes and this is
important to me as I find happiness and peace in seeing the sublime art of dance.
others smile.
I am also a volunteer at the Nelson Mandela Chatsworth
Being part of this Pageant, has created numerous platforms Youth Centre, where I partake in initiatives the centre
to further these aspirations. I believe in equality and that no hosts. Other hobbies and interests of mine include
child should be “denied a dream.” I believe in a purpose- reading, crocheting, cooking and baking.
driven life, in which, what I make of myself, counts.
I aspire to live by the saying “Live as if you'll die today,
It is indeed an honour and privilege to be a contestant in The dream as if you'll live forever”
Zee Miss India South Africa pageant.
“Shretha” means faith – and that is I, Sonal Devi Singh, hail from the
why you should have faith in me to cosy town of Ladysmith.
be the next Miss India SA KZN. I Growing up in a close-knit cultured
am the embodiment of beauty with family, I have learnt that morals,
a purpose and I strongly believe in dignity, and respect are not bought
women empowerment. nor given for free, but instead,
they're earned.
As a young woman, I have
completed a course on the Whilst studying towards a Master's
management of sexual and Degree in Marketing, I am a
gender-based violence, which I market research executive with a
intend to use to alleviate violence SHRETHA MAHARAJ passion for learning and exploring SONAL SINGH
against women and children in my different things.
I am an active member of various NPOS & NGOS, My hobbies include reading, taking long drives, and
namely, the Nelson Mandela Youth Centre and the Active playing the piano. Personally, positivity, love, and radiating
Citizens Movement. I am currently a committee member good energy is what I stand for and live by.
of the Dream Catchers initiative, a career mentoring I am a firm believer in the rewards of the universe and the
program where we provide various opportunities for energy you exude is the energy you're going to receive in
young people to obtain employment. Another such return.
organization is the Inner Circle Flea Market, that has been
arranged by a group of volunteers from the youth centre I appreciate the people around me for they are my
to raise funds for the upkeep of the centre. teachers, supporters, leaders, and comforters and I know
that their teachings have aided me in maintaining a
dignified, well-balanced and happy life.
I am also actively involved in coordinating free dance
lessons to the youth as a medium to reach out to troubled
children. It is my accountability to them for the awareness of which
they have bestowed upon me and that will always be the
I am passionate about dance and helping people energy helping me to seek a future where all people will
therefore I am pursuing a career in Psychology, whilst be equal and we will all be able to fight obstacles such as
being the director of a dance company alongside my hunger and poverty.
sister and mum. It is this principle of empathizing with others that makes
us civilized human beings