Page 12 - MISAKZN2017
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Lifetime Achievement Award
Chatsworth's first dentist, Dr Adam Mahomed in saving treatment free for poor people in 2012.
2011 declared that life was his enemy and that By 2017, thousands of people who would
death was his best friend. otherwise could have been dead enjoy a
He was speaking at the launch of his book, reasonable quality of life despite their illness.
Journey Into the Unknown. During June 2017, he was asked whether he still
It is a heart-wrenching read, which had the believed that life was his enemy and that death
audience at its launch spellbound. was his best friend?
“No. I believe that I still have a lot of work to do. I
This is what the blurb reads: believe that the indigent need a great deal o
Journey Into the Unknown is a true story. It is an essential facilities and I have to do something
inspiring story of dealing with loss, something about it.
that all of us encounter at sometime in our lives.
Noorjehan and Adam Mahomed, a Durban “I want to make life comfortable for the future
based couple, in a tragic motorcar accident, lost generations. I do not know what I am going to do,
their three young daughters. This story, traces but it has to be substantial. It is a legacy which I
how they coped with the challenge of living with want to leave that will make a positive difference
their loss and looking for meaning in what looked to those less fortunate,” said Dr Mahomed.
like an empty life. At 77, he is now involved in a host of programmes
fighting poverty, illness, ignorance.
The book alternates between Noorjehan and
Adam's writing, giving the reader an insight into He is also spreading hope as a motivational
what it takes to face tragedy and understand speaker, offering confidence and trying to change
nature's way of healing. Every loss – especially mindsets of people whom he believes can play a
of those you love, brings with it suffering. substantial role in society.
This story helps you see what holds you chained He believes that South Africans are a good
to the past and the courage it takes to move on people, regardless of the crime and political
and look forward.” uncertainty.
He lost his wife in 2005 and he was left alone, “Our people are forgiving, hard working and
but the couple had a history going back to the believe in a bright future. I am going to make my
time they got married in 1973. contribution to ensure that they are served with
some of the essentials of life,” he said.
They knew hardship and suffering from their own
experiences and always felt the pain of others. Adam Mahomed was one of 11 children born on
Working in Chatsworth brought the young couple the 4th August, 1940 in the small town of Balfour
face to face with reality – poverty. in what was then the Transvaal province.
His parents ran a general dealer store and
They became philanthropists, running feeding stocked everything from farming implements to
schemes, medicine and paying the school fees cars, cattle, sheep and groceries.
of scores of children.In honour of the memory of
their three daughters whom they lost in the tragic “We sold everything and my parents made a good
accident, they set up a Centre for the Hearing living. Then we were struck with a tragedy in 1952
Impaired in Amanzimtoti. when an older brother was killed in a motor
It is very much an integral part of the people
whom it serves with distinction. “When I was in standard 8, one of my brothers
Soon after the launch of the book, Dr Mahomed were murdered and my father was devastated. I
shook out the pain and threw himself back into had to leave school to run the family business
his practice and to serve the community. which I did for nine years.”But during that time, he
continued to study and completed his matric.
With the Rotary Club, he financed and launched
a Dialysis Clinic in Chatsworth providing life He then told his father that he wanted to study
further and he was sent to Pakistan where he