Page 10 - MISAKZN2017
P. 10
Lifetime Achievement Award
From the dusty streets of Chatsworth to the practices for Markets.
plush office of the Chief Operating Officer of the
Department of Trade and Industry – that's the ·Established international linkages to provide
journey of Dr Anneline Chetty. information and support to local markets.
Emerging from a dis-advantaged background, ·She was Invited to present a paper at an
her mother, Jasmin grew up in Tin Town on the International Public Markets Conference held in
banks of the Umgeni River. New York, USA, November 2002. Paper was well
Her father Subbiah came from Cato Manor and received by the International Community who
whose family were forced to move under the expressed an interest in markets in the Ethekwini
apartheid Group Areas Act. Unicity.
They settled in Unit 2 Chatsworth before setting · Policy received wide stakeholder
up home in Woodhurst (unit). acceptance as well as adopted by Council as the
The youngest of three girls, the schoolgirl, tool that is being used to guide and manage
Anneline was industrious when it came to her Markets in the Unicity in the future.
studies. · Presented the Ethekwini Municipalities
She matriculated and gained entry into the SMME programmes to the Economic
University of Durban Westville, the seat of Development and Foreign Ministry Departments of
learning created by the apartheid regime, Guangdong Province, Peoples Republic of China
especially for the Indian community. · Involved in an exchange visit to the City of
That was in 1969 when democracy loomed large Leeds, United Kingdom to share knowledge and
on the horizon. expertise and discovered that we have developed
Four years later, It was time for opportunities and cutting edge policies and practices with regards to
as fate would have it, she was one of 20 Enterprise development.
students chosen to work for the City of Durban. · Developed the first ever Community Tourism
That was all that she needed and, she did not Organisation strategy for the Ethekwini
look back as she rose to great heights. Municipality
For that she is most grateful to her grandmother, · Assisted in the development of the first ever
Mrs Ruth Chetty who invested in her education. Enterprise Development Strategy for the Ethekwini
“She travelled to India several times, buying Municipality
various goods and then returning home and sold Speaking about her career, Dr Chetty said that she
it on the local market, earning money to pay for enjoyed every minute.
my education,” said Dr Chetty. “I have also provided strategic direction to Durban
tourism on how to convert International visits and
trade shows into actual strategies for
She threw herself into her work, previously the implementation for the purposes of improving
position she held was for white people only. operations. she said.
In more ways than one, she had to set the scene Her achievements are many and varied, some of it
for people of colour for top jobs at City Hall. continue to mould the road ahead.
She did not disappoint and went onto notch up On reflection, she said: “My 18 years of experience
many “firsts.” combined with my academic qualifications will
· Due to her efforts, the city became the most certainly help me to understand the
first in the public sector organisation to have an Sustainable Development Cluster well enough to
Access to Finance Strategy. impact at both a strategic and operational level. I
· Created the first Enterprise Development also have a very sound knowledge of and
Strategy for Durban. networks within the Public and private sectors and
· Helped to securing millions of Rand for I most certainly would add value to this
Small, Medium and Macro Enterprise organization. In my opinion, I am very goal driven,
Development through Strategic Partnerships. confident and a strategic thinker with strong
· Responsible for the writing up A Policy for analytical skills. I have assisted my colleagues and
the Planning, Development and Management of management of the organization by introducing
Markets in the Ethekwini Unicity. She got no systems, policies and procedures, electronic and
help from consultants. otherwise which has helped streamline the
· Conducted international reviews and best organization and improve the productivity of the