Page 8 - MISAKZN2017
P. 8

Lifetime Achievement Award


      Professor Mohambry Nadesan Chetty is leading a           “We mobilized Health Care leaders to oppose this
      massive campaign to transform the primary health         invasion of United States of America's entrance
      care throughout the country – ensuring that the          into our health care system in post apartheid
      poor also have access to quality medicine and            South Africa.
      treatment.                                               “They wanted the introduction of the American
                                                               version of managed health care in our country. It
      He graduated from the Natal Medical School in            would be too expensive and we successfully
      1971 and immediately started working for the best        prevented this movement,” said Professor Chatty.
      possible public health care system for all South
      Africans, despite a ruthless apartheid government.       Then turning his attention to the development of
      “The patient must be the centre of all health care       the fraternity, Professor Morgan said that he
      and I realized that in order to succeed, I had to        served on the committee that guided the transition
      rally round as many doctors as possible so that we       of Medical Association of South Africa to South
      could achieve this goal,” said Professor Chetty.         African Medical association.

      While he campaigned for support from like-minded         “With like-minded practitioners – the greater
      doctors, held meetings, seminars, workshops and          Durban Independent Practitioners Association
      mobilized the medical fraternity, he embarked on a       (IPA) was formed. This was done to mobilize
      massive programme of study.By this time he               doctors in private practice, to practice best quality
      acquired a Master Degrees in Family Medicine in          care and cost effective care” he said.
      1986 from the University of Natal and Public
      Health.                                                  The IPA was further developed province wide with
                                                               1 200 members across 21 districts. But the growth
      A year later he obtained a Diploma in Tropical           did not stop; Professor Morgan Chetty and his
      Medicine and Hygiene at Wits University.                 members went onto form a national Independent
      He returned to this seat of higher learning and          Practitioners Association, which has more than 5
      obtained a Diploma in Occupational Health in             000 affiliated doctors.
      1990 and a Diploma in Health Systems                     Its aims:
      Management.                                              *Best practice facilities.
                                                               *Improve Quality.
      Eight years later, in 1994, he was awarded the           *Network management.
      Humphrey- Full Bright Fellowship and travelled to        *Develop Strategies.
      the United States of America where he studied in         *Value based health care.
      Tulane University and obtained his Masters in            *Cost efficiency.
      Public Health.                                           *Up skilling professionals to provide a “one stop”
      For a quarter of a century of sheer hard work and        care at a level of safety and quality that is ethical
      finally in 1996, the KwaZulu-Natal Doctors Health        and moral and within our professional skill set.
      Care Coalition was launched with Dr Denis Dyer           The Association now works with a number of
      as president.                                            influential partners,
                                                               South African Managed Care Condition (Includes
      A year later, Professor Chetty took over the             KZNDHC), Asaupa, SP NET, Health near (Need
      leadership role and accelerated the journey.             Full Names).
      His vision for the future took shape with the            HISTORY:
      Coalition stamping its presence champion in the          Professor Chetty acquired a license to operate a
      cause of patients and doctors who faced many             hospital, bought land and built the Phoenix Private
      challenges because of red tape, prejudices and           Hospital in 1987.
      legal constraints.
                                                               “To increase capacity and improve services and
      Major pharmaceutical companies from abroad               acquire funding Phoenix Private hospital,
      “invaded” South Africa promoting and trying to sell      Chatsmed Hospital, Westville Hospital and
      expensive medicines, which were out of reach for         Compton came together and formed the
      the majority of South Africans.                          Amalgamated Hospital Group. I served on the
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