Page 11 - MISAKZN2017
P. 11
Anneline Chetty
organization. Macro Enterprises.
Presently at the Department of Trade and Industry, Dr
“I also am personally responsible for developing Chetty creates opportunities to grow the economy,
policies and strategies and this alleviates the change people's lives and influence industry,
need for consultants thereby ensuring that commerce and job creation – A Dream Maker.
resources are not spent unnecessarily.
“I have introduced a Strategic Partnerships
project and an Enterprise Development project
which not only created a platform for engaging
with the Private sector but also brought in
millions of rand towards developing
entrepreneurs increasing the pool of resources
available thereby ensuring the sustainability of
the organization.
“I need to build my knowledge on industrial
policies and how this can be introduced to
South Africa and increase world class
industrialization as well as new policy levers
that are used elsewhere to improve the
economy of the Country” she said.
Now she plays a leading role in creating
business opportunities promoting commerce,
She is a distinguished scholar having obtained
her Doctorate in Philisophy in five semesters
while being given 20 to complete.
“It is a strong indication of my spirit of
determination, speed and efficiency. I have
published a book called “Promoting
entrepreneurship in South Africa which is an
indication of my in depth knowledge to
entrepreneurship which is a key driver to
economic growth in South Africa.
“I have presented papers at many
international conferences and
platforms, which is a strong
indicator of my excellent oral,
and written communication.
Written and directed many
pioneering and innovative
Public policies and
strategies for the purposes
of providing strategic
direction to different
operations in Public
markets, for the
improved management
of Itinerant Container
traders, for Community
Tourism, Enterprise
development, Access
to Finance and for
Small, Medium and