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If Somers thus was equivocal, Balas was not, characterizing the case as “about equality, regardless of
        gender or sexual orientation, for two people”.  The 20 signatory judges gave DOMA a constitutional
        review and found it wanting.

            In Balas, a gay couple, married under former California law, filed for protection under Chapter 13 of
        the  Bankruptcy  Code  (11  U.S.C.  §§  1301  et  seq.).    The  UST  moved  to  dismiss  for  “cause”  under  11
        U.S.C. § 1307(c).  Again, his DOMA challenge bore little resemblance to the examples of “cause” stated
        in the statute.  Again, however, the court did not rely upon the novelty of the challenge to preclude it.

            Instead, the court proceeded to an equal protection analysis (the Equal Protection Clause of the 14th
        Amendment  (“EPC”)  having  been  held  applicable  to  the  federal  government  under  the  Due  Process
        Clause of the 5th Amendment in numerous prior cases).  Agreeing with a statement by Attorney General
        Eric  Holder  that  classifications  based  on  sexual  orientation  should  be  subject  to  heightened  judicial
        scrutiny under the EPC, the court found DOMA wanting under heightened scrutiny for several reasons.

            First,  under  heightened  scrutiny,  a  court  must  examine  “actual  [governmental]  purposes,  not
        rationalizations  for  actions  in  fact  differently  grounded”.    The  court  found  that  the  legislative  record
        underlying  DOMA  is  filled  with  “stereotype-based  thinking  and  animus  the  Equal  Protection  Clause  is
        designed to guard against.”

            Second, the court said that under heightened scrutiny the government was obligated to demonstrate
        that a justification exists for application of the challenged policy in the particular case.  The court
        found no valid governmental purpose to be advanced by dismissal of the bankruptcy case or severance of
        the debtors before it.

            Third, the court found that sexual orientation was an appropriate classification to be given heightened
        scrutiny.  Treating sexual orientation as a “defining and immutable characteristic,” causing lesbians and
        gays to face “significant political obstacles . . . irrelevant to an individual’s ability to society,” the court said
        homosexuality  should  be  treated  like  other  “suspect  classifications”  which  are  accorded  heightened
        scrutiny by the courts.

            Fourth,  the  court  held  that  DOMA  could  not  survive  even  the  lowest
        standard of review imposed under the EPC – that the challenged policy have
        some  “rational  basis”  to  a  permissible  governmental  purpose.    “This  court
        cannot conclude from the evidence or the record in this case that any
        valid  governmental  interest  is  advanced  by  DOMA  as  applied  to  the
        Debtors”, the court ruled.

            Accordingly, the motion to dismiss the Chapter 13 case was denied.

            Not all bankruptcy courts have been so inhospitable to the act.  In re Kandu, 315 B.R. 123 (Bankr.
        W.D.  Wash.  2004),  enforced  it  in  the  case  of  a  lesbian  couple  married  under  British  Columbia  law.
        Although much of the opinion’s reasoning would support DOMA in any case, Kandu can be distinguished
        because  it  fails  to  raise  the  issues  of  federalism  which  arise  when  a  court  is  asked  to  use  DOMA  to
        disregard a state’s law.

            Balas and Somers are attracting considerable attention.  Look for more cases to raise these issues as
        the nation’s current economic problems continue for persons of all sexual orientations.

                                            THE SHARP LAW FIRM, P.C.

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