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this instance, the court was led to believe that no payments had been made, when in fact the debtors
        had  been  submitting  payments  that  did  not  include  disputed  forced-place  insurance  fees.
        Furthermore, the court noted that there was no literal truth to the statement that the debtors lacked
        equity in the residence and counsel conceded that the statement was part of a form pleading, as they
        had no particularized knowledge of debtors' equity or lack thereof.

            II. Reliance Solely on Information Provided by the Client is Insufficient.

            Good faith alone is not enough to comply with Rule 9011.  Indeed, “Rule 9011 imposes an
        affirmative obligation upon counsel to conduct a reasonable inquiry into both the law and the facts
        before advancing a particular position to the court.” In re CMGT, Inc., 458 B.R. 473, 485 (Bankr. N.D.
        Ill. 2011).  As the Seventh Circuit has observed, “an ‘empty head but a pure heart is no defense."
        Chambers  v.  American  Trans  Air,  Inc.,  17  F.3d  998,  1006  (7th  Cir.  1994).   While  it  is  usually
        reasonable for a lawyer to rely on information provided by a client, an attorney must make a
        reasonable effort to determine what facts are likely to be relevant to a particular court filing
        and to seek those facts from the client.  In this case the court found that counsel relied solely on
        an  automated  system  which  permitted  the  client  to  narrowly  define  the  information  available  to

            The  inadequacy  of  the  automated  system  should  have  been  readily
        apparent,  according  to  the  court,  as  it  failed  to  disclose  any  information
        concerning equity in the home, the flood insurance dispute and the payments
        that  had  been  made.    Furthermore,  the  court  stated  that  once  the  debtors
        responded  to  the  motion,  any  reasonable  attorney  would  have  sought
        clarification and further documentation from the client, in order to correct any
        prior inadvertent misstatements and to avoid further errors.  In re Taylor, 655
        F.3d 274, 284-85 (3d Cir. 2011).  The overreliance of the firm upon the automated system resulted in
        sanctions, despite the fact that “Rule 11 sanctions are . . . to be granted sparingly” and “should not be
        imposed lightly”.  Lefkovitz v. Wagner, 219 F.R.D. 592, 592-93 (N.D. Ill. 2004), aff'd, 395 F.3d 773
        (7th Cir. 2005).

          III.  When a Misstatement is Discovered, Counsel Should Swiftly Remedy Same.

            In deciding to sanction counsel in Taylor, the court noted that counsel had attempted to prosecute
        its motion even after learning of its misstatements. This resulted in a failure to comply with the
        “safe harbor” requirement under Rule 9011(c)(1)(A). That provision gives the offending party the
        opportunity, within 21 days after service of a motion for sanctions, to withdraw or correct the offending
        pleading in order to avoid imposition of sanctions.  Divane v. Krull Elec. Co., 200 F.3d 1020, 1025–26
        (7th  Cir.  1999).    The  provision  “serves  the  laudable  purpose  of  requiring  litigants  to  dispose  of
        frivolous claims without judicial involvement.”   In re Dental Profile, Inc., 446 B.R. 885, 899 (Bankr.
        N.D. Ill. 2011).  As a result,  in the event that one inadvertently fails to conduct a  reasonable
        inquiry and makes a misleading statement to the court, sanctions may be avoided if measures
        are taken to swiftly correct the offending conduct.  Such a remedial course of action likely could
        have prevented the sanctions ultimately awarded by the court in Taylor.
                                           THE  SHARP  LAW  FIRM,  P.C.

                    1115 Harrison, P.O. Box 906, Mt. Vernon, IL 62864 • Telephone 618-242-0246 • Facsimile 618-242-1170

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            Terry Sharp:; John T. Hundley:; Bentley J. Bender:;

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