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In Edelman v. Belco Title & Escrow, LLC, __ F.3d __, 2014 WL 1646952 (7th Cir. 2014), investors in
        a real estate development transferred their funds to the developing entity and received what purported to
        be a first  mortgage outside of  the closing which  was conducted by a title company owned by the
        developing entity’s attorneys.  The investors never had any direct contact with that title company, which
        was  aware that  there  in  fact  was  a  prior  mortgage  upon  the  property.    The  investors  claimed  the  title
        company owed them a duty to disclose that their mortgage in fact would not be in first position.

             Noting that under Illinois law “an escrowee, like a trustee, owes a fiduciary duty to act only according
        to the terms of the escrow instructions,” the court rejected plaintiffs’ claim.  “The plaintiffs entered into a
        loan agreement and handed over the cash directly to the borrowers without first ensuring that they were
        actually getting what they paid for,” it said.  “Illinois law does not hold [the escrow agent] responsible for
        the plaintiffs’ interests under these circumstances.”

                    No Homestead Exemption For Non-Titled Spouse

             A spouse who is not on title to property, but is the spouse of the titleholder and maintains the property
        as her primary place of residence, cannot claim the homestead exemption under 735 ILCS 5/12-901, a
        panel in the Appellate Court’s Second District has held.

             Ruling in GMAC Mort., LLC v. Arrigo, 2014 IL App (2d) 130938, the panel appeared to accept the
        proposition  that  “mere  possession  is  insufficient  to  allow  a  nontitled  spouse  to  claim  the  homestead
        exemption.”  It distinguished Brod v. Brod, 390 Ill. 312 (1945), because “the couple in that case owned the
        property as joint tenants.”

                               No Inquiry Notice For Vendor’s Lien

             Illinois recognizes the equitable vendor’s lien which arises when one pays for real estate but does not
        receive it, but the concept of inquiry notice will not be applied to subject third parties to such liens, a panel
        in the Appellate Court’s Third District has held.

             Ruling in Stump v. Swanson Dev. Co., 2014 IL App (3d) 110784, the panel rejected an argument that
        a bank was on inquiry notice of the vendor’s lien and that its failure to investigate defeated its attempt to
        be a “bona fide purchaser” by virtue of its mortgage loan claim upon the property.

             Noting that equitable vendor’s liens are disfavored, because “these secret liens on real estate often
        produce injustice” if applied to third parties, the court said it found no legal or equitable justification for
        applying inquiry  notice  to vendor’s liens.  “We, therefore, hold that the concept of inquiry notice is not
        applicable to equitable vendor’s liens and that the only time – if at all – a purchaser of a property interest
        who is  a stranger to the original transaction can  be burdened  with  the original  vendee’s equitable  –
        essentially moral – obligation . . . is when the subsequent purchaser or mortgagee for value has actual
        knowledge about  the prior purchase that  would  render  his  own  purchase or  mortgage tantamount to
        complicity in fraud,” the court said (court’s emphasis).

                                                                      - John T. Hundley,, 618-242-0246

                                                      THE  SHARP  LAW  FIRM,  P.C.

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