Page 10 - Revised Unified Sports Curriculum electronic version Rev. 8.1_2
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Unified Sports ® PE Curriculum
Description of Course
This is an inclusive program which combines individuals with intellectual
disabilities (Athletes) and individuals without intellectual disabilities
(Unified Partners) on sport teams for training and competition. Athletes
and Unified Partners compete alongside one another each in a
meaningful and integral role on Unified Sports team.
District Outcomes
Exhibit life-management skills:
New friendships among the Athletes and Unified Partners
Improved self-esteem for all students
Positive changes in attitude, behavior and performance
Community Awareness of Unified Sports within the Peoria School
Unified District
Benchmark Assessment Task
Assessment Task 1: Students will apply safety techniques and respectable
social behavior in all areas.
Standards Alignment: Standard 5 Students exhibits responsible personal and
social behavior that respects self and others in physical activity settings.
o PO 1 Concept 1 Apply safe practices, rules, procedures and etiquette
in all physical activity settings.
Skill Development
Assessment Task 2: Students will identify the different skills per individual sports.
Standards Alignment: Standard 2 Students will demonstrate understanding of
movement concepts, principals, strategies, and tactics as they apply to the
learning and performance of physical activities.
Special Olympics Arizona (SOAZ) 1 06.01.2011
Permission from PUSD #11